Brazilian coup president Temer accused of corruption

This 3 June 2016 video is called How Corrupt Is Brazil’s New President?

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Temer faces graft probe

Monday 26th September 2015

Coup president accused over Petrobras bribes

by James Tweedie

UNELECTED Brazilian President Michel Temer could face corruption charges after the Supreme Court sanctioned a probe into him on Saturday.

Supreme Federal Tribunal Judge Teori Zavascki ordered a preliminary investigation into Mr Temer over allegations he solicited donations to his Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB) as part of the kickback conspiracy at state-run oil firm Petrobras.

Mr Temer, sworn in on August 31 within hours of the “legislative coup” against elected Workers Party president Dilma Rousseff, was accused in a statement by former Petrobras subsidiary Transpetro president Sergio Machado.

Mr Machado revealed that the president asked for campaign contributions out of the Petrobras bribery pot for the PMDB’s Sao Paulo mayoral candidate in 2012 — when he was still vice-president under Ms Rousseff.

These allegations were laid out in Mr Machado’s plea bargain for his role in the Petrobras scandal, in which he also decribed Mr Temer as “irresponsible, lying and criminal.”

The attorney general Rodrigo Janot will decide whether to procede with charges based on the investigation’s outcome.

The president is the latest and most important of many PMDB ministers and congresspeople to be snared in the Car Wash probe into the Petrobras debacle.

Senate President Renan Calheiros, another PMDB member, was also named in the probe by Judge Zavascki.

Four ministers in Mr Temer’s May-August interim government were forced to resign after recordings of their conversations with Mr Calheiros and others about blocking the Car Wash probe were leaked to the media.

Earlier this month lower Chamber of Deputies speaker Eduardo Cunha, who led the charge for Ms Rousseff’s impeachment, was himself removed from his seat — stripping him of his immunity from prosecution.

Mr Cunha, who is accused of taking millions in bribes, threatened to expose others embroiled in the scandal as revenge.

25 July 2017: Brazil’s political crisis is set to escalate in the coming weeks, with a vote scheduled on August 2 in the lower house of the Congress on whether to authorize the country’s Supreme Court to try President Michel Temer on corruption charges: here.

Brazil’s Temer government pushing labor, pension “reforms”: here.

Following a series of bloody prison riots that have claimed the lives of at least 134 inmates in the first 15 days of this year alone, the right-wing Brazilian government of President Michel Temer has ordered the military to prepare to carry out raids on penitentiaries around the country: here.

The brutal police repression unleashed against demonstrators at the May 24 “Occupy Brasília” march, and the “Guarantee of Law and Order” decree that sent 1,500 armed soldiers into the streets of Brazil’s capital, mark a definite bid by the crisis-ridden government of President Michel Temer (PMDB) to find a base of support within the military: here.

Temer pushes Amazon deforestation bill in Brazil. Protected area threatened in what critics call an attempt to win ranchers’ support: here.

Brazil Michel Temer sends army into Rio de Janeiro slums to distract from savage pensions cuts: here.

Brazilian left calls for vigilance as Temer hints at giving army police powers: here.

35 thoughts on “Brazilian coup president Temer accused of corruption

  1. Thursday 13th October 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    BRAZILIAN leftwingers and academics warned of attacks on the poorest on Tuesday after the lower house of Congress voted for a 20-year public spending freeze.

    The Chamber of Deputies backed unelected President Michel Temer’s government on Monday night, voting 366-111 for the constitutional amendment capping annual spending increases to the rate of inflation.

    The amendment still has to pass another supermajority vote in the chamber before being sent to the Senate. Communist Party of Brazil Congress minority leader Jandira Feghali called the vote the “second phase of the coup” — a reference to the August 31 Senate vote to impeach elected president Dilma Rousseff over allegations of corruption.

    “I wonder how the deputies will sleep after voting for something which excludes so many people with false arguments, starting from a false basis of a false economic analysis,” she said.

    University of Brasilia professor of public policy Daniel Bin told Latin American broacaster Telesur: “It is not hard to predict how this will hit, with unprecedented violence, the poorest people, who depend on public funded education and healthcare.”


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  5. Pingback: Brazilian coup politician arrested for corruption | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Pingback: Another Brazilian corrupt coup minister’s downfall | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  7. Saturday 3rd December 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    BRAZIL’s Senate speaker is to stand trial for allegedly misappropriating state funds, the Supreme Court announced on Thursday.

    Eight of the court’s 11 justices rules that Senate President Renan Calheiros, a key ally of unelected president Michel Temer, must face legal proceedings for allegedly misusing public funds nine years ago to support his illegitimate daughter.

    Earlier Mr Calheiros was urged to deny a new bill by a federal judge which would allow judges and prosecutors to be charged with abuse of authority.

    Prosecutors investigating the Operation Car Wash probe into bribery at state oil firm Petrobras have threatened to quit if Mr Temer signs the bill already passed by the lower Chamber of Deputies.

    Judge Sergio Moro, addressing the Senate, said the legislation was an attempt to intimidate prosecutors as they finalised plea bargain deals with construction firm Odebrecht, at the centre of the case, expected to implicate as many as 200 politicians.

    Mr Calheiros denied Mr Moro’s charges of trying to derail the probe, saying: “Operation Car Wash is sacred for it reduces the impunity that reigns in our country.”

    Mr Temer has imposed brutal austerity cuts since coming to power in a “legislative coup” against elected president Dilma Rousseff’s Workers Party government earlier this year.

    A constitutional amendment freezing social spending for 20 years passed the first of two Senate votes by the necessary three-fifths majority on Tuesday.

    The crucial second vote will be on December 13, after which the amendment will become law.


  8. Saturday 10th December 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    BRAZILIAN jurists and social movements urged Congress on Thursday to impeach unelected president Michel Temer over corruption allegations.

    They presented their request that Mr Temer suffer the same fate as his predecessor Dilma Rousseff to the lower house Chamber of Deputies.

    Last Week, judge Marco Aurelio Mello also asked Chamber of Deputies Speaker Rodrigo Maia to set up a commission on impeaching Mr Temer, even though he is an ally of the president.

    The latest allegations against Mr Temer surfaced last month when then culture minister Marcelo Calero resigned, alleging that Mr Temer had encouraged him to circumvent planning laws to approve a luxury development in a conservation area of the city of Salvador.

    Legislative Affairs Minister Geddel Vieira Lima, who Mr Calero said had pressed him to allow the project, quit in response to the claim, while insisting he was innocent.

    Former vice-president Mr Temer was sworn in after Ms Rousseff was impeached by a Senate vote on August 31.


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  13. Pingback: Brazil’s corrupt coup cabinet | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  14. Pingback: Brazilian coup president’s corruption scandals | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  15. Pingback: Brazilian public prosecutor suspects coup president of corruption | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  16. Pingback: Brazilian music against coup president | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  17. Monday 5th June 2017

    posted by Morning Star in World

    A FORMER aide to Brazilian President Michel Temer was arrested at the weekend, following an order by Supreme Court Justice Luiz Edson Fachin.

    MP Rodrigo Rocha Loures admitted accepting bribes from JBS, the country’s largest meatpacking company, insisting that the funds were intended for Mr Temer.

    Mr Loures had been monitored by the federal police since he was recorded negotiating money from JBS president Joesley Batista and filmed receiving a suitcase containing 500,000 reals (£120,000) in a Sao Paulo pizzeria.

    Despite being on the cusp of becoming the first Brazilian president to be charged with corruption, criminal organisation and obstruction of justice, Mr Temer insisted that he would not resign.

    Asked about Mr Loures’s detention for taking bribes, the coup-installed president simply responded: “He’ll explain.”

    Brazil’s main progressive opposition, the Workers Party (PT), elected its first woman president at the weekend, backing Geisi Hoffman on the final day of its three-day national congress.

    Ms Hoffman, who leads the PT in the Senate, received 367 votes, beating runner-up Lindbergh Farias, with 226 votes.

    She was supported by former national president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

    The new PT president said that she wouldn’t dwell on the party’s errors, thereby allowing the “bourgeoisie and right to take advantage” of the situation.

    “We’re not a religious organisation. We don’t make a profession of laying blame. Nor do we flog ourselves.

    “In practice, we recognise our mistakes. However, over 500 years of this country, there has never been a government better than PT,” she declared.


  18. Saturday 10th June 2017

    posted by Morning Star in World

    INCRIMINATING evidence against Brazilian President Michel Temer was expected to be excluded by the Superior Electoral Court yesterday.

    The seven-member panel was due to reconvene yesterday morning to decide on examining Judge Herman Benjamin’s request for a plea-bargain testimony to be admitted.

    Summarising the evidence on Thursday evening, Mr Benjamin said it overwhelmingly proved claims that Mr Temer took illegal campaign donations in the 2014 election.

    A majority vote could see the upcoming presidential election annulled and a new one called ahead of that set for 2018.

    “It’s about the continual abuse of political and economic power, whose impacts, without a doubt, have been felt for a long time in the political electoral system,” Mr Benjamin said.

    Proceedings were stopped for the night and were to resume yesterday morning. Widespread protests have called for Mr Temer to be impeached over the corruption allegations.


  19. Monday 12th June 2017

    posted by Morning Star in World

    BRAZILIAN President Michel Temer escaped financial malfeasance claims by the skin of his teeth at the weekend before facing new allegations of spying on a Supreme Court justice.

    The coup-installed president was cleared by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal by four votes to three but was then hit by a story in Veja magazine declaring that he and his advisers had asked the Brazilian Intelligence Agency to spy on judge Edson Fachin.

    Mr Fachin is the justice in charge of an investigation into whether Mr Temer accepted bribes and endorsed buying the silence of a former MP convicted of corruption. According to Veja, the president’s team is looking for a way to discredit the judge and thereby sink the investigation.

    Supreme Court president Carmen Lucia issued a scathing statement calling the alleged spying a tactic that belonged to dictatorships.

    “It is unacceptable to commit a serious crime against the Supreme Federal Tribunal, against democracy and against liberty, if the report of this illegal invasion into the life of one of our members is confirmed,” she wrote.

    Attorney General Rodrigo Janot commented: “If such an attack on the powers of the republic and the democratic state of law is confirmed, it would be one more unhappy episode in the grave democratic crisis that this country is going through.”

    The embattled president denied the new charges against him, saying: “The government does not use the public machine against Brazilian citizens, much less does it engage in any kind of action that doesn’t respect the strict dictates of the law.”

    He insisted that the government has never tried to constrain Operation Car Wash, the corruption investigation that has ensnared much of Brazil’s political elite and led to allegations against the president himself.

    A recording emerged last month apparently capturing Mr Temer as he endorsed a plan to pay hush money to former parliamentary speaker Eduardo Cunha, who is serving 15 years in prison for corruption and money-laundering.

    The Attorney General is considering pressing charges against Mr Temer over the audio recording and allegations that he took bribes and tried to obstruct the Car Wash investigation.,-now-accused-of-spying-on-judge#.WT6i6tykIdU


  20. Pingback: Brazilian coup president charged with corruption | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  21. Wednesday 12th July 2017

    posted by Morning Star in World

    A BRAZILIAN lawmaker called on Monday for President Michel Temer to be suspended and stand trial over allegations that he solicited multimillion-pound bribes.

    MP Sergio Zveiter recommended the committee examining Mr Temer’s corruption case to hold a vote, claiming that there was sufficient evidence to put the president in the dock.

    “For now, what we have is evidence of his involvement,” he said.

    After Mr Zveiter spoke, Mr Temer’s lawyer Antonio Claudio Mariz de Oliveira presented his defence, calling the allegations “a lie.”

    The charges stem from secretly taped conversations of Mr Temer soliciting bribes from meatpacking executive Joesley Batista to give to jailed parliamentary speaker Eduardo Cunha in return for his silence.

    Mr Cunha, a notoriously corrupt former member of Mr Temer’s PMDB party, had threatened to turn in his comrades after he was also forced to step down last year.

    He was handed a 15-year sentence in March for his part in the “Car Wash” corruption scandal at state oil firm Petrobras.


  22. In the midst of this rapidly escalating political crisis, Temer delivered a speech Wednesday in which he portrayed Brazil’s CIA-backed military coup of 1964 as a manifestation of the “vision” of the Brazilian people being “incompatible” with the “democratic system.”

    “1964 arrived and it was the centralizing inclination of the Brazilian people,” said Temer. “The people like to have an organism that is in charge of everything, especially what is based upon an absolute obedience to the judicial order.”

    He went on to lament the “tumultuous currents” engulfing his government, adding that “an absolute contempt for institutions is again reborn from a stupendous force and everyone starts saying that we have to change. This is very bad for our country.”

    The remarks of the embattled president read like a plea for the imposition of a dictatorship under conditions in which the Brazilian bourgeoisie cannot impose the policies it requires by peaceful means.


  23. Friday 4th August 2017

    posted by Morning Star in World

    UNELECTED Brazilian President Michel Temer’s teflon coating remained intact on Wednesday after Congress rejected corruption charges.

    The Chamber of Deputies voted 263-227 on Wednesday night against suspending the president and sending him for trial before Brazil’s highest court.

    The result effectively suspended the bribery charge filed by Attorney General Ricardo Janot in June.

    However, Janot is expected to charge Temer with obstruction of justice by the end of this month, which would prompt another vote.

    “Temer is a crook and he needs to sort out his situation with the Justice Department,” said Workers’ Party (PT) MP Elvino Bohn Gass.

    “Brazil should not be governed by a gang of thugs.”

    Former vice-president and PMDB party leader Mr Temer came to power last August in the “legislative coup” that impeached elected PT president Dilma Rousseff.

    But his government has been wracked by a series of corruption scandals that have brought down several ministers, sinking his approval rating to 5 per cent.


  24. Tuesday 19th September 2017

    posted by Morning Star in World

    BRAZIL’S unelected President Michel Temer yesterday appointed a successor to attorney general Rodrigo Janot, who last week accused the Brazilian leader of heading a criminal gang which took over $160 million (£118.2m) in bribes and sought to silence witnesses.

    Mr Janot was due to step down this month, but decided to go out with a bang, charging the president and several of his key allies with corruption on a massive scale.

    The former attorney general also declared that the Senate’s decision to oust Mr Temer’s predecessor, Dilma Rousseff, was inspired by a conspiracy to protect crooked senators from a huge corruption scandal involving the state’s national oil company Petrobras.

    Politicians from across Brazil’s major parties have been implicated in the scandal, accused of taking bribes in return for contracts.

    Despite being formally charged, Mr Temer retained the presidential power to pick Mr Janot’s successor and has selected Raquel Dodge, rejecting the top nominee on a list submitted by federal prosecutors because he considered him too close to Mr Janot.

    Ms Dodge said yesterday that nobody was above the law but did not refer to the charges against the president in her acceptance speech.


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