Child refugees fleeing ISIS say ‘Sorry for Brussels’

Refugee child with Sorry for Brussels sign

From daily The Independent in Britain today:

Refugee children hold signs saying ‘Sorry for Brussels‘ at Idomeni camp

Thousands of families are trapped in Idomeni since the borders have been closed

Jess Staufenberg

3 hours ago

Children in one of Greece’s refugee camps have written messages of sorrow and sympathy to those affected by the Brussels attacks.

Photographs taken at the Idomeni camp on the border with Macedonia showed children with messages of support – including “Sorry for Brussels” – written both on their bodies and on cardboard placards.

It comes after three suicide bombs left at least 31 people dead in the Belgian capital.

Many of the refugees at Idomeni from Syria and Iraq are fleeing Isis, the same Islamist terrorist group which claimed responsibility for the attacks in Brussels.

The Idomeni refugee camp, which sprung up in the village in 2014, is now thought to contain more than 12,000 refugees fleeing the breakdown of their home countries to build a new life in Europe.

Conditions at Idomeni are comparable to “Nazi concentration camps”, according to Greek interior minister Panagiotis Kouroublis, following the closure of all borders to refugees in Macedonia.

What a shame that these children and their parents, refugees from ISIS terror, are vilified by corporate media and racist politicians as ‘terrorists’, ‘rapists‘, etc. because of the colour of their eyes and hair; and because of their supposedly being Muslim (true for many refugees, but certainly not for all).

What a shame that these children and their parents, refugees from ISIS terror, are sent back by European Union politicians to unsafe Turkey, where they may be sent back to war in Syria or Iraq.

What a shame that these children and their parents, refugees from wars started by Bush, Blair and other NATO politicians, wars which caused ISIS and similar outfits, are used by NATO politicians as a pretext for still more bloody war in the Middle East.

Refugees Stand In Solidarity With Victims Of Brussels Attacks. Many refugees are fleeing the same kinds of atrocities: here.

In the wake of the ISIS terrorist attack in Brussels, some U.S. politicians are already calling for a ban of refugees and immigrants from countries in which ISIS controls territory. Rather than justifying a refugee ban, this latest attack should act as a reminder why the United States should take the lead on welcoming those fleeing ISIS terrorism. Accepting refugees is clearly important from a humanitarian standpoint, but it is also good for America’s national security: here.

15 thoughts on “Child refugees fleeing ISIS say ‘Sorry for Brussels’

  1. Pingback: Donald Trump’s racist propaganda on British TV | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: ‘War on terror’ NOT answer to Brussels atrocities, Belgian says | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Thursday 24th march 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    DESPERATE refugees protested yesterday on the Greek border with Macedonia and on three Aegean islands.

    Several hundred demonstrators camped out at the border disrupted food distribution by charities in the refugee camp near the border village of Idomeni, demanding that the border be reopened.

    About 150 people also blocked one lane of a road and a flyover by the nearby town of Polykastro, staging a demonstration outside a small hotel used mainly by charity workers.

    Conditions in Idomeni, where thousands have been stranded since the border was shut to refugees earlier this month, have steadily deteriorated, exacerbated by days of rain that have turned the fields into seas of mud.

    On Tuesday, a young Syrian man was hospitalised after he set himself on fire during a protest there.

    Small protests also occurred at detention camps on three Greek islands, where migrants and refugees are waiting to be deported back to Turkey.


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