Dutch Muslims condemn Brussels atrocities

This video says about itself:

Ireland: Irish Muslims protest against ISIS in Dublin

26 July 2015

The Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council organised a protest to condemn the atrocities committed in the name of the Islamic State (… ISIS/ISIL), on Dublin’s O’Connell Street, Sunday. The “Not in our name” protesters specifically condemned the killing of three Irish citizens in Tunisia last month. Irish Muslims from Cork, Limerick, Drogheda, Dundalk and Dublin, as well as members of the Council of Nigerian Mosques, attended the peaceful demonstration.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Muslim organizations reacted with horror to attacks

Today, 18:55

Several Islamic organizations and mosques have reacted with horror to the attacks in Brussels. The imam of the Es Salam mosque in Rotterdam calls for unity and reconciliation.

“When we combine our strengths and realize solidarity, we can win this fight,” said Azzedine Karrat. “When we give terrorists space, they will commit these kinds of attacks.” …

The Council of Moroccan Mosques speaks of a “horrible and disgusting attack”.

The Union of Moroccan Muslim Organisations sympathizes with the victims and survivors. “Our thoughts go out to family and friends. We also mourn with our neighboring country Belgium. …

“A fist must be made against jihadism,” the Alliance of Moroccan Dutch writes in a statement. “ISIS, as the monstrous face of this ideology, is aiming to sow terror and to destroy the lives and freedom of citizens, regardless of their background and faith.”

USA: Conservatives Spout Hateful Rhetoric In Wake Of Brussels Attacks. Donald Trump led the charge calling for closing borders, waterboarding suspects and blaming refugees: here.

17 thoughts on “Dutch Muslims condemn Brussels atrocities

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