Stop Turkey-European Union anti-refugee agreement

This video says about itself:

Greece: Refugees in Idomeni | DW Reporter

19 March 2016

Tens of thousands of refugees are stranded in the Idomeni camp on Greece’s border with the Republic of Macedonia. Most are trying to reach Germany. But now the border’s closed. They have nowhere else to go.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Dutch Socialist Party: agreement with Turkey helps mainly politicians in distress

Today, 16:57

The SP says the agreement between the EU and Turkey belongs in a trash can. “This is a solution for politicians in need and not for human beings in need,” said party leader Roemer at a party congress in Amersfoort. According to him, the UN Refugee Convention must be the basis for agreements with the Turks, “but that is now being buried by [Prime Minister] Rutte and [leader of the PvdA party, junior partner in the government] Samson.”

Negotiators in Brussels yesterday reached a deal on the return of refugees from Greece to Turkey. …

GroenLinks party leader Klaver believes that “rather than alleviate the plight of refugees, the European leaders have sold out the rights of refugees.”

D66 party MP Verhoeven recalls that parliament has demanded that there should only be a deal if Turkey would fulfill the terms of the Refugee Convention. And that is far from the case.” Also the Christian Union MP Voordewind finds that the deal is at odds with European and international law.

19 thoughts on “Stop Turkey-European Union anti-refugee agreement

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  3. merci!
    so many People are going to idomeni, helping them with Food, clothes, diapers … from Germany … heartbreaking Horror there – we created a carrussell of death – with traumatized children and adults … tears do not help…Annamaria Curi56


  4. Pingback: Stop Turkey-European Union anti-refugee agreement | Ώρα Κοινής Ανησυχίας

  5. Saturday 19th March 2016

    posted by Lamiat Sabin in Britain

    Demonstrators condemn EU plans to expel asylum-seekers

    THOUSANDS of people will march in solidarity with refugees today after Tory PM David Cameron sealed an EU deal with Turkey that would see refugees expelled from Europe.

    Protesters will assemble outside BBC offices in central London at noon — followed by a Trafalgar Square rally — to condemn the “racist offensive pushed by some politicians and press” with demos also held across the country.

    EU leaders agreed with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu that migrants could be sent back to Turkey on a one-in one-out basis as soon as tomorrow under the new proposals.

    As the Star reported yesterday, the plans would see refugees who have made the perilous journey across the Med to Greece returned to Turkey if their asylum claim is rejected. And Europe will take in one Syrian refugee — capped at 72,000 — from camps in Turkey for every migrant returned there.

    European Council president Donald Tusk insisted that there would be no “collective expulsions.” Turkey stands to receive £4.7 billion from the EU, which is double what it was offered last year.

    Mr Cameron has claimed that the deal would not involve Britain adding to its “target” of taking in 20,000 refugees from camps over five years.

    Around 75 million Turkish nationals could also get visa-free access to the EU’s Schengen border-free area, which does not include Britain.

    Speakers at today’s demonstration include Labour MP Diane Abbott, Greens MPs, Unite equalities officer Harish Patel, Muslim Council of Britain spokesman Talha Ahmad, Black Activists Rising Against Cuts co-chair Zita Holbourne and Stand Up to Racism organisers Sabby Dhalu and Weyman Bennett.

    Actor Vanessa Redgrave and children’s author Michael Rosen are also expected to attend.

    Green MEP Jean Lambert and the party’s immigration spokeswoman will attend the protest to call out the government on its failure to challenge myths about asylum and migration.

    She will say: “The UK is one of the world’s richest countries and must do more. We can start by taking the children from Calais who have a right to be in the UK — not arguing with the courts about their future.”

    The Refugees Welcome Here demonstration assembles 12 noon, Portland Place, London, W1A 1AA which will be followed by march to and rally in Trafalgar Square.


  6. Saturday 19th March 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    EU washes hands of migrant problem with Brussels bribery

    by Our Foreign Desk

    EUROPEAN UNION and Turkish officials cobbled together a deal yesterday that sees Brussels bribe Ankara to act as gatekeeper to prevent desperate refugees from reaching Europe.

    Amid smiles, handshakes and backslapping, the 28 EU leaders and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu sealed an agreement for thousands of refugees to be returned from Greece to Turkey as of tomorrow.

    The deal was rammed through despite widespread concerns about Turkey’s dubious asylum system and widespread human rights abuses.

    Ankara will receive billions of euros in aid to deal with refugees on its territory, unprecedented visa-free travel for Turks in the EU and a kick-start to its bid to join the bloc.

    Mr Davutoglu strode into the final joint session, happily shaking hands with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and getting a pat on the back from French President Francois Hollande.

    “The deal with Turkey approved. All illegal migrants who reach Greece from Turkey starting March 20 will be returned,” tweeted Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka.

    Mr Davutoglu insisted that Turkey’s prime concern was the fate of 2.7 million Syrian refugees in his country.

    “For Turkey, the refugee issue is not an issue of bargaining, but values,” he declared, staking out his government’s claim to the moral high ground.

    EU leaders have been desperate to clinch a deal with Turkey and heal deep rifts within the bloc, which has seen some European governments reject agreements to accept refugees and new barbed-wire fences erected throughout the supposedly borderless Schengen area.

    More than 46,000 people are trapped in Greece after Austria and a series of Balkan countries stopped letting refugees who reach Greece through to Europe’s prosperous heartland.

    The agreement stipulates that the rights of legitimate refugees would be respected and treated according to international and EU law.

    Turkish and EU officials will assess joint projects within a week to help Syrian refugees in Turkey, after complaints that promised aid of €3 billion has been too slow in coming.


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