After Volkswagen, Opel pollution scandal

This 25 September 2015 video from Canada says about itself:

How tests that exposed VW emissions fraud were done

An Air Specialist with the California Air Resources Board demonstrates the testing similar to that which exposed the VW emissions fraud. Due to legal reasons, he was unable to address the VW findings specifically. To read more: here.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Belgian journalists: Opel secretly tampered with software

Today, 13:58

Opel secretly gives the Zafira Tourer 2014 a software update in order to achieve lower emissions of harmful gases. That update is performed when the cars go to the garage for anything else. The owners get to hear nothing of that update, while the cars lose power, the Belgian broadcaster VRT reports based on its own research ….

The VRT had the emissions of two Opel Zafira’s measured in three ways. The cars proved to produce five times more emissions than permitted under the European standard, says the broadcaster.

Then the cars were taken to the garage of an Opel dealer with an excuse. After the cars had returned from the garage, the same car emissions tests were performed again. It showed that the harmful emissions of the cars had fallen by tens of percents. Also, the power of the cars had diminished, the VRT reported.

A secret camera recorded that garage employees confirmed that they do an update. In their own words they had started that after the scandal of Volkswagen’s fraudulent software came out.

Opel, originally German, is part of the General Motors corporation in the USA. A well-known slogan is that what is good for General Motors is supposedly good for the USA.

No, this pollution fraud may be good for the profits of General Motors fat cats. But the pollution makes many people and animals sick and kills quite some of them. In the USA, in Germany, in Belgium, anywhere.

In the wake of the revelation that Volkswagen and other automakers massively manipulated the results of emissions testing, the European Parliament has responded by increasing the emissions levels permitted: here.