Svalbard expedition, another wildlife update

This video is about birds in Svalbard in July 2014, including eider ducklings, Arctic tern, black guillemot and long-tailed duck.

Peter Kuipers Munneke, participant in the big Dutch Svalbard expedition, reports today about researchers going by boat from Edgeøya island to Barentsøya island. There, they investigated a lakelet which had not been in contact with sea water for thousands of years.

More on the lakelet research, about botanical changes, by Lineke Woelders: here.

Marieke Borst, another participant, blogged on 23 August 2015 (translated):

Here I see them, the birdwatchers. This expedition has brought many of them here. Amid the most spectacular scenery they focus their binoculars on northern fulmars, kittiwakes, pink-footed geese, glaucous gulls, Brünnich’s guillemots and ivory gulls.

On 22 August 2015, Ms Borst reported about seeing a ringed seal (see also here), an Arctic fox and reindeer on Edgeøya.

Svalbard polar bears: here.