Labour party too Blairite, British voters say

This music video is called George Bush vs. Tony Blair PARODY.

By Luke James in Britain:

Voters reject lurch back to Blairism

Thursday 21st May 2015

New poll shows a public let down by Labour’s timid tax plan and City brown-nosing

“NEAR-MISS” voters who rejected Labour at the election overwhelmingly feel the party is too soft on the City and too timid over taxing the rich, a poll revealed yesterday — but it isn’t hostile to aspiration. The survey of 4,669 people blows apart Blairite claims that Labour needs a rightward lurch to become electable, finding that 42 per cent of people polled believe Labour is a soft touch on the City while just 22 per cent think they are “too tough.”

And the margin is even larger among voters who considered, but decided against, voting Labour, at 50 per cent to 10. The GQRR poll comes a day after Labour leadership candidate Yvette Cooper stirred up controversy by claiming Labour lost the election because it “sounded anti-business.”

If elected, Ms Cooper said she would back Tory big business handouts through cuts to corporation tax, which now stands at just 20 per cent — the lowest rate in the G20 forum of major economies.

Her comments sit in direct opposition to poll findings. A majority of voters want Labour to increase taxes on the richest, with 47 per cent in favour compared with 31 against. For voters who ditched Labour at the last moment, the total rises to 61 per cent for, 21 against.

The poll also lands a blow on Ms Cooper’s right-wing rival Liz Kendall. Ms Kendall, backed by neoliberal pressure group Progress, has said Labour should stop supporting higher taxes for the rich “just to make a point” that it is pro-aspiration.

But just 8 per cent of voters who turned away from Labour did so because it was “hostile to aspiration, success and people who want to get on,” the poll showed. Ms Kendall’s bid to rewind the clock to the New Labour years won support yesterday from TV toff turned shadow education secretary Tristram Hunt — who dramatically fell out of the leadership race after failing to get the support of 35 MPs, the minimum needed to run.

TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said the research proves Blairite analysis does not stand up to scrutiny. “Interestingly, voters are not greatly worried about Labour being against aspiration or anti-business, despite these emerging as themes in Labour’s post-mortem,” she said. Hitting back at calls for a return to New Labour policies, Ms O’Grady added: “The challenges Labour now faces are very different from those in the past. “Voters back a lot of the trade union agenda on living standards and an economic policy based on investment and growth, rather than the deep cuts we now face.”

The poll showed the public wants to prioritise public services over spending cuts by a margin of 37 per cent to 31.

But it also suggests that Labour’s biggest weakness is economic trust, an issue where it trails the Tories by 39 per cent. Labour MPs have suggested that is because the party was “confused,” promising to both continue austerity and support public services.

13 thoughts on “Labour party too Blairite, British voters say

  1. SHADOW cabinet member Jon Trickett has revealed Labour bosses kept him off TV during the election campaign — because he has a northern accent.

    Mr Trickett, who is from Leeds and represents Hemsworth in Yorkshire, made the shocking disclosure at a Class think tank meeting on Tuesday evening.

    He told the meeting that the cultural “gulf” between MPs and the public was part of the reason for Labour’s defeat.

    “Even if they’re saying things that are progressive, it’s hard for people to hear because the language, the idioms, the accents, the way they dress, everything about them feels like Westmisnter,” he said.

    And Mr Trickett said Labour’s top brass are now even discriminating against the party’s own working-class MPs.

    He said: “I’m a plumber by the way, and though I was very close to the leadership, I wasn’t allowed on the TV. I wonder why?

    “The people who went on the telly for Labour don’t talk like me.

    “Maybe that’s because I’m crap at talking, but it feels to me like there is a gulf between the population and political class.”

    An analysis of voting figures by Mr Trickett revealed last week that Labour was more dependent on middle-class support than ever at this election.

    Unite assistant general secretary Steve Turner said that was because Labour had treated its working-class voters with “criminal neglect.”

    “There’s a real disengagement with our party and our core vote and we’ve got to address that,” he told the meeting.

    “There’s loads of lessons but we won’t be taking them from Blair or Mandelson, or any of their other cronies, who lost us five million votes.”


  2. LABOUR’S leadership election is “like watching Game of Thrones without the nudity,” left-wing MP John McDonnell told the conference of civil servants’ union PCS yesterday.

    Mr McDonnell, who unsuccessfully contended the position in 2007 and 2010, said that candidates were “plotting” and trying “bribery” in an attempt to get endorsements from their parliamentary colleagues.

    And he blasted them for failing to offer anything other than failed Blairite ideology.

    “In the Labour Party we can have anyone, so long as they’re a Blairite,” he quipped.

    “It’s ‘vote for me because I’m a Blairite and I’ve got a northern accent.’

    “Or ‘vote for me because I’m posher than Cameron.’

    “Or ‘vote for me because I’ll say anything the Mail want me to’.”

    His remarks will be seen as a jibe at public school-educated Tristram Hunt, who withdrew from the contest yesterday after admitting that he had failed to gather the required 35 endorsements, and Mary Creagh, who launched her campaign with an article for MailOnline.

    Addressing a PCS fringe meeting on Tuesday night, Mr McDonnell singled out another candidate, Blairite frontbencher Liz Kendall, for peddling “extremely dangerous” ideas about the role of the private sector in public services.

    “She’s argued that what works is what matters and that seems to include privatisation,” he said.

    “I heard (Labour MP) Pat McFadden the other day talking about aspiration and the middle ground. It’s all meaningless drivel.

    “Labour’s never won an election on the basis of working-class votes alone. But the problem with New Labour was that it took working class voters for granted.”


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