Italian hunter thinks cyclist is a hare

This video is called European HareLepus europaeus.

And this video is about Austrian cyclist Christiane Koschier.

I would say the differences between the two are obvious even to people with bad eyesight.

However, it seems that for some people, having a hunting gun in their hands makes their eyesight worse than extremely bad.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Hunter shoots female cyclist down

Added: Thursday 16 Oct 2014, 14:35
Update: Thursday 16 Oct 2014, 14:38

Austrian professional cyclist Christiane Koschier during a warm-up was shot by a hunter who thought she was a hare.

Koschier was getting ready for a time trial in the Italian town Sossano when she heard a loud bang and felt an intense pain. She found bullets in her leg, arm and hip.

“I do not understand how this could happen,” says the 40-year-old sportswoman to the Italian newspaper L’Arena. “The hunter says he aimed at a hare, but the shot hit me.” She does not understand how the bullets eventually ended up with her. “It was an open place without trees. An open field.” The hunter persists in his statement that he thought he shot a hare.


Koschier is especially relieved that she was not hit in her head or neck. “I was lucky, it could have been much worse.” Meanwhile, the sportswoman, several times Austrian champion in road racing, can laugh about it a bit again. “We immediately thought some rival in the race would be behind this,” she jokes.

She plans to just go on cycling when she will be fully recovered. “I bike since I was small so I do not just stop.”

French hunter kills cyclist: here.