Italian poacher kills father, Dick Cheney style

This 2016 video from the USA says about itself:

This Day In History: Dick Cheney shoots his hunting buddy

Dick Cheney accidently shot his buddy while on a hunting trip on Feb. 11, 2006. CBSN’s Vladimir Duthiers and Kristine Johnson have more.

United States President George W Bush’s Vice President Dick Cheney shot a fellow hunter as he did not know the difference between that hunter and a quail.

In 2014, an Italian hunter shot Austrian professional cyclist Christiane Koschier, as he did not know the difference between her and a hare.

It seems that for some people, having a hunting gun in their hands makes their eyesight worse than extremely bad.

Hunter kills Frenchwoman in her own garden: here.

From the BBC today:

Italian son shoots father dead during boar hunt

Italian police have charged a man with culpable homicide after he shot and killed his father during a boar hunt.

Media reports say the pair were moving through thick bushes near the town of Postiglione in the southern province of Salerno when the shooting occurred.

The 34-year-old opened fire when he saw a shadow and rustling foliage. He immediately raised the alarm when he realised what had happened.

Doctors could do nothing to save 55-year-old Martino Gaudioso.

Both men were in a national park area where hunting is prohibited, reports said. Police have seized their rifles.

On Sunday the president of the Italian League for the Defence of Animals and the Environment said Italy had become the “Wild West”.

“It is a real national emergency,” Michela Vittoria Brambilla told reporters.

Last October, Sergio Costa, Italy’s environment minister, called for a national ban on Sunday hunting after an 18-year-old was shot and killed close to the French border.

By the end of that month, two more men – a 56-year-old and a 20-year-old – had also died in similar circumstances.

“Nowhere is safe” in the area of the French Alps where a Welsh chef was killed by a hunter’s stray bullet, a friend of the victim has said. Marc Sutton, 34, was killed while riding his mountain bike in woods near Montriond, close to the Swiss border: here.

Dutch woman Nelleke Polderman almost killed by hunter’s bullet: here.

1 thought on “Italian poacher kills father, Dick Cheney style

  1. Pingback: Poacher’s 370 eels set free again | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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