French Pussy Riot solidarity oppressed under Islamophobic law

This video is called Pussy Riot release new single Putin Lights Up the Fires.

From daily The Guardian in Britain:

Pussy Riot protesters arrested in Marseille

French police detain Pussy Riot protesters for wearing balaclavas amid crackdown on face-coverings

Angelique Chrisafis in Paris

Sunday 19 August 2012 17.52 BST

Several people protesting peacefully in Marseille against the trial of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot were detained by police for wearing balaclavas, under France’s controversial law that bans Muslim niqabs and all face-coverings from public places.

About 30 demonstrators gathered outside the Russian consulate in the southern French city on Friday to protest against the trial of members of the feminist group famous for wearing bright dresses and colourful balaclavas.

But police swooped on about seven wearing multicoloured face-masks in solidarity with the band, reported La Provence. Asked why the police had stopped the demonstrators who had been standing peacefully behind a banner about the power of poetry, a senior officer told the newspaper: “They are wearing balaclavas in a public space. It’s illegal.” He said the demonstrators would be questioned and a report written.

In April 2011, Nicolas Sarkozy’s government introduced a law banning women from wearing the niqab, or full face-veil, in public places. To circumvent accusations that the law singled out Muslims, the bill was officially called the law against covering one’s face in public places.

Special exemptions were created for motorcycle helmets or sports equipment such as fencing masks. There are also exemptions for people appearing in parades, celebrations or places of worship.

The Marseille protesters – including poets, a book editor, and a former culture official – who had removed their masks at police request, were put in a riot van and driven to the nearest police station amid cries of “Absurd!” and “Ridiculous!”. They were released that afternoon. Under the law, the case can be referred to a local judge who can hand down a €150 fine, a citizenship course or both.

“We came here to defend freedom of expression in Russia and we find ourselves stopped by French police,” one pensioner at the rally told the paper.

When three members of Pussy Riot were sentenced to two years in prison for hooliganism on Friday, France said the sentence was “disproportionate”.

Police persecution of Pussy Riot supporters in Cologne, Germany: here.

26 thoughts on “French Pussy Riot solidarity oppressed under Islamophobic law

    • Thanks for your reblog!

      This shows how measures, originally intended against Muslims, like an oil spill, will spread out to affect others, in this case Pussy Riot supporters, as well,


  1. Pingback: Save Scottish free speech | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. 21.000 steunbetuigingen Pussy Riot

    De leden van Pussy Riot in de rechtzaal De leden van Pussy Riot in de rechtzaal ANP
    Toegevoegd: woensdag 22 aug 2012, 21:49

    De petitie voor de vrijlating van de Russische punkband Pussy Riot is in Nederland bijna 21.000 keer ondertekend. Sinds vrijdag kunnen mensen de petitie van Amnesty International, 3FM, VPRO 3voor12 en Lowlands ondertekenen.

    Op de site van Amnesty wordt bijgehouden hoeveel mensen de actie steunen. Rond 21.30 uur stond de teller op 20.477.


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