US fundamentalists The Family and killing Ugandan gays

This video from the USA says about itself:

Jeff Sharlett, author of “The Family” and Rachel Maddow discuss the secretive Republican “C Street House” run by a bizarre conservative Christian group.

As an addition to the earlier post on this blog about United States Christian fundamentalists The Family, also known as The Fellowship; translated from Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad, 6 February 2010, paper edition, page 4, article “Het geheime netwerk van Christus” (Christ’s secret network):

Asked about the recent affair in Uganda, where Family activists have proposed the death penalty for homosexuals, Stephen Haines

son of Family leader Wallace E. Haines jr.

says: “My father probably would have supported that. He always felt very strongly that gays should be punished.”

Uganda’s Anglican Church Loves the Kill The Gays Bill. Except the Part That Could Imprison Priests: here.

Petition against Kill The Gays Bill: here.

Protesting Uganda’s anti-LGBT bill: here.

The US religious right: here.

A top university has announced plans to honour a senior Scottish Catholic churchman who has been accused of homophobia.

USA: Escalating their opposition to gay and lesbian Vietnamese participating in the Tet Parade in Westminster, a group of Viet religious leaders and activists assert they will boycott the event, and several Catholic organizations have pulled out: here.

The world’s biggest gay festival, Sydney Mardi Gras, has been criticised for being too interested in corporate relationships, rather than community values and local activism: here.

Behind the Exclusive Brethren. By Michael Bachelard. Scribe, 2008298 pp, $27.95. Book review here.

23 thoughts on “US fundamentalists The Family and killing Ugandan gays

  1. Pingback: Stop Ugandan gay death penalty law | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  3. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Jeff Sharlett, author of “The Family” and Rachel Maddow discuss the secretive Republican “C Street House” run by a bizarre conservative Christian group. What does the USA religious groups have to do in UGANDA? Why are they there??? An experiment to bring to USA gays?? One wonders!!


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