Egyptian massacre, with British weapons?

This video is called Chaos returns to the streets of Cairo – exclusive.

By Rory MacKinnon in Britain:

Were Egypt’s dead killed by our guns?

Thursday 15 August 2013

British officials approved sales to Egypt’s military last year of hundreds of sniper rifles and other weapons which may have been used in the Rabaa massacre on Wednesday.

Hundreds of people in Egypt are believed dead following the military regime’s assault on pro-Muslim Brotherhood protesters camping in Cairo’s Rabaa el Adaweya Square, with survivors and reporters describing a massacre by rooftop snipers.

Prime Minister David Cameron said on Wednesday he was “saddened” by the killings, which claimed the life of Sky News cameraman Mick Deane.

But the Morning Star can reveal that officials in the export controls team at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills issued licences for £17.5 million in shipments to Egypt in 2012, despite warnings of further killings.

Shipments included 600 assault rifles, 200 sniper rifles, 30 pistols and a raft of components, equipment and small arms ammunition.

The sickening trade grew even greater this year, with £45m worth of military-designated gear approved between January and March alone.

This included helicopter components and ground vehicle communications equipment, with other restricted shipments including cryptography software and imaging cameras.

Campaign Against the Arms Trade spokeswoman Kaye Stearman said the sudden surge of licences had left her “really, really, really shocked.”

“It was absolutely mad – there’d been plenty of warnings,” she said. “In the first quarter of the year it was pretty chaotic: there was violence on the street, the military was very skittish.

“You had the committee on export controls which had been saying the government hadn’t been cautious enough. Our position would be ‘why should we be exporting arms to any authoritarian government?’

“But when you have a committee of MPs sitting down and questioning the government’s judgement, that’s a real warning sign.”

Stop the War Coalition convener Lindsey German said she now feared that the regime was “sure” to stock up as a guest at the government’s DSEi arms fair in London next month.

In a show of support for the blood-soaked military regime in Egypt, US Secretary of State John Kerry visited Cairo on Sunday. He met with his counterpart, Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, and Egyptian President and de facto dictator Abdel Fattah al-Sisi: here.

Egyptian bloodbath and Tony Blair: here.

Fighting surged yesterday across Egypt after the country’s military junta tried to drown protests in blood in Wednesday’s massacre: here.

German politicians and the media have reacted to the massacre carried out by the Egyptian army with either subdued criticism or outright support: here.

Over the weekend, the military junta in Egypt continued its violent crackdown against opposition to its dictatorial regime: here.

Egypt: When armies are in power: here.

Former US army officer found dead in provincial Egyptian jail: here.

While claiming to be dismayed by [Australian journalist] Peter Greste’s fate, [Australia] Prime Minister Tony Abbott has given his full support to the US-backed junta in Cairo: here.

46 thoughts on “Egyptian massacre, with British weapons?

  1. It is not surprising the flow of British weapons world wide, this has been the situation for numerous years, if Bertrand Russell, was unable to stop war in the 60s, with 250 million marchers, on the walk through Central London, was unable to stop the war machine, what is the possibility of the insane leaders of today, taking notice to end militarism?
    The few that that control this program are not going to hear you, they are obsessed with profiteering and power to keep to the agenda, that is to oppress the population with aid of the media, and to oppress most of the world that’s left.
    Whilst the multitude of deviations are their to entertain the minds of the people and divert their attention to trivia, whilst the population is in the waiting rooms for entry in to the old peoples retirement homes, this for some who still have a mind left is your prize whilst one awaits death, all happening in the elders waiting room, many can look back on the unauthentic lives they have had, such as the bad faith many have been aligned to, and the meaningless but clever pass times had by all.


  2. Striking Egyptian steel workers’ leaders arrested

    Police and army units, under orders from the ruling military regime arrested two leaders of a Suez Steel workers strike during their bloody clampdown and imposition of martial law on Monday. Amr Yusif and Abd-al-Rauf were arrested after armed forces surrounded the factory.

    The previous day, 12 of the striking workers had been dismissed as they began their strike. They were insisting the company honour its February 2012 agreement to give them a profit-sharing bonus. The company claims to have made a loss but workers pointed out the company had donated 3 million Egyptian pounds ($430,000) to help pay off the Egyptian national debt.


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  7. Géopolitique de la crise égyptienne

    (Un ambassadeur US spécialisé dans la provocation de guerres civiles?)


    Lorsque le 4 août John Kerry proposa Robert Ford en tant que nouvel ambassadeur des Etats-Unis en Egypte, les réseaux sociaux arabes furent inondés par le hashtag : « NoToRobertFord », en anglais et en arabe. Pour avoir créé avec John Negroponte les Escadrons de la mort irakiens en 2004, on lui attribua comme surnom le plus gentil : « macabre », « Shayatin » (démon) ou « le nouveau sponsor du terrorisme ». Après avoir réduit le pays en un tas de décombres, il partit en Syrie en tant qu’ambassadeur pour reproduire la même chose : en janvier 2011, juste au moment où il prit ses fonctions, débutèrent les attentats et les protestations violentes contre le gouvernement d’Assad. Les Egyptiens craignent que les Etats-Unis veuillent appliquer la même recette: l’usage de la terreur en se cachant sous de faux drapeaux afin de provoquer une guerre civile.

    Lire la suite:


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