Egyptian court annuls dictator Sisi giving away islands to Saudi Arabia

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Protests in Cairo over Egypt-Saudi Tiran and Sanafir island deal

16 April 2016

Thousands in the Egyptian capital Cairo have protested President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi decision to hand over two islands to Saudi Arabia.

Sisi’s government last week announced the uninhabited islands of Tiran and Sanafir will be demarcated as being in Saudi waters.

From the BBC:

Egypt court quashes Red Sea islands’ transfer to Saudis

25 minutes ago

An Egyptian judge has quashed a government decision to hand … two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia.

Egypt’s President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi announced the return of Tiran and Sanafir islands in April, during a visit by Saudi Arabia‘s King Salman.

More than 150 people were jailed in connection with protests over the deal

Tuesday’s verdict is not final and could be overturned by a higher court.

Tiran and Sanafir are uninhabited islands, situated at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba, a strategically important part of the Red Sea that is bordered by Israel, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

President Sisi‘s decision in April to cede control of them sparked widespread unrest and criticism. King Salman had announced a multi-billion dollar aid package to Egypt from Saudi Arabia on his visit, leading some to accuse Mr Sisi of “selling” the islands.

On Tuesday, Egypt’s State Council, an administrative court which oversees lawsuits filed against the government, quashed Mr Sisi’s decision by issuing a verdict annulling a maritime borders agreement.

Cheers in court: By Sally Nabil, BBC News

The maritime border agreement signed earlier this year between Egypt and Saudi Arabia took many Egyptians by surprise.

Since then, protesters have taken to the streets calling the arrangement unconstitutional, and accusing the government of giving away Egyptian territories in return for aid packages and investments worth billions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, a strong backer of President Sisi.

Some of these protesters were arrested and charged with disrupting public order. A few are still behind bars.

The lawsuit was filed by a number of prominent human rights lawyers, headed by a former presidential candidate, Khaled Ali.

When the verdict was issued, many cheered inside the courtroom, chanting “the islands are Egyptian”. But the legal battle has not come to an end yet, because the decision can be appealed.

The verdict stated that the two islands would “remain under Egyptian sovereignty”.

If it is approved by the country’s High Administrative Court it will become legally binding.

Mr Sisi has cracked down on all dissent since leading the military’s overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi in 2013.

Since then, more than 1,000 people have been killed and 40,000 are believed to have been jailed …

Egyptian dictator el-Sisi secures IMF loan and prepares onslaught against working class: here.

6 thoughts on “Egyptian court annuls dictator Sisi giving away islands to Saudi Arabia

  1. Thursday 24th November 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    EGYPTIAN President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi has given his support to Syria and Iraq in their struggle against foreign-backed terrorism — bringing Cairo into conflict with its erstwhile ally Saudi Arabia.

    In a live interview with Portugal’s RTP TV on Tuesday, Mr Sissi said: “There should be international support for the Libyan, Iraqi and Syrian national armies to ensure security in their countries.”

    Asked whether Egypt would send peacekeeping troops to Syria as part of a UN-brokered settlement, he said: “It is better that the national army take responsibility” and that his priority is to “support the national army” of Syria.

    Egypt has moved closer to Syria in recent months, while relations with Saudi Arabia have soured, with Riyadh ending discounted oil sales to Cairo recently.

    Mr Sissi came to power in the military overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood, an old enemy of Syria’s Ba’athist government.


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