Dutch students’ pro-climate strike today


This video shows hundreds of students from Zeeland province in the Netherlands, boarding the train to join the big pro-climate march in The Hague today.

Nijmegen students, photo NOS/Roel Pauw

This photo shows Nijmegen city students, boarding a bus to Ther Hague. The sign says, translated: “There will be no space for playing truant”. Arie Slob (Dutch education minister). Meaning there is no space for nature?

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Climate truants on their way: ‘I do not want to clean up the politicians’ mess

Pupils, also called climate truants, will not go to school today but are on their way to The Hague for action for the climate.

The trains to The Hague are now very crowded, as can be seen on photos. At Driebergen-Zeist station the train was so full that some students could not get aboard.



This tweet is about two buses from Zutphen town, hired by Rood, the young people’s branch of the Dutch Socialist Party. The buses became very full with 90 students. Unfortunately, some people could not board.

Today, thousands of high school students are expected in The Hague. They all call on politicians to show more ambition for the climate. Earlier today, a letter signed by 350 scientists brought solidarity to the students. In the letter, the scientists say that the pupils are “right”. They give eight reasons for their support.

At 10:30 the students will gather at the Malieveld. From 11 am on they will march through The Hague. After that, a number of students will speak, and there will be a DJ, reports reporter Martijn van der Zande in the NOS Radio 1 News.


This photo shows the arrival of the very first demonstrators.

Reporter Roel Pauw was sitting this morning at the breakfast table with 17-year-old Lynn from Groesbeek, who is also going to protest today. “And you have no idea how much I want it!”, according to the enthusiastic Lynn. It is her first demonstration ever, but also a special one right away, she says. “I think my generation has always been busy with the climate as a problem, which is why I think it is so important.”

Lynn, her mother and her sister, photo NOS/Roel Pauw

The 17-year-old pre-university student has always been aware of the climate, she says. That is how Lynn lived as a vegan a while ago. “I wanted to make my ecological footprint smaller, which was quite difficult. So, now I eat meat again, but I’m much more aware of what I eat. Eg, if I eat taco’s, I always opt for vegetarian minced meat.” …

Lynn’s mother is proud of her daughter. “I fully support her action. I think it is very formative, that she makes her voice heard and that the young people get mobilized. This is for a large part about their generation.”

Lynn thinks it is especially important that politicians start changing something from today on. “At the moment climate policy is not yet what it should be, there has to be a turning point, politicians talk about it, but the climate agreement is not nearly as good as it should be, something needs to change now, so that we will not have to clean up the mess of today’s politicians in 10 years’ time.”

The school of the girl leaves with two buses to The Hague. A total of 105 schoolchildren join. Also in other parts of the country the journey to the political capital starts, as can be seen on photos and videos on social media.

2 thoughts on “Dutch students’ pro-climate strike today

  1. Pingback: Dutch students’ pro-climate strike news | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Amsterdam pro-climate students strike today | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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