Abu Ghraib, Iraq torture for complaining about garbage

This 28 March 2018 video says about itself:

Ex Abu Ghraib Prisoner Speaks Out On Abuse

This is the man under the hood… Warning: Some viewers may find this content distressing.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV, 29 March 2018:

The man from the infamous Abu Ghraib photo: I still can not have a bath

He is one of the most famous former prisoners of the infamous Iraqi Abu Ghraib prison. Not because of any crimes or his punishment, but because of the inhumane photo taken of him in 2003.

In the picture, Ali Shallal al-Qaisi can be seen standing on a box, wrapped in a black robe, with a hood over his head and electrical wires on his hands.

He was tortured by prison guards and he was not the only one. In 2004, numerous photographs were published of the horrors that took place in the prison, managed by US American soldiers. Notorious is also the picture on which soldier Lynndie England has a prisoner on a leash.

Al-Qaisi recently spoke about the torture with the news website Middle East Eye. He tells how the American soldiers hanged him, electrocuted him and urinated all over him. “They grabbed a broomstick, broke it in half and penetrated my genitals, it caused bleeding and necessitated operations”, he says in the video.

Fifteen years after his imprisonment, Al-Qaisi is still heavily traumatized. “I can not have a bath in my bathroom, because that reminds me of waterboarding. I still have nightmares.”

In an earlier interview Al-Qaisi told about the reason for his imprisonment. He claims to have complained in 2003 about garbage that the US military dumped in Iraq. After his story appeared in the local media, he was arrested and the horror started.

Complaining about garbage … how dares he! That definitely proves he was a terrorist [sarcasm off]. Just like people complaining about garbage in the present hysterical atmosphere in NATO countries are all terrorists, and/or Russian spies! [sarcasm off]

Massive protests continue in Iraq over lack of jobs and water shortages: here.

14 thoughts on “Abu Ghraib, Iraq torture for complaining about garbage

  1. Pingback: Botero exhibition about Abu Ghraib torture in Washington, D.C, USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. IRAQI communists hit out at a “cowardly attack” after the party’s Baghdad headquarters was firebombed late on Friday which it claimed was an attempt to disrupt negotiations to form a coalition government.

    Two homemade bombs were thrown into the gardens of the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP) building in Andulus Square. However, there were no casualties from the blast which caused only minor damage, according to party spokesman Jassim Helfi.

    In a statement, the ICP political committee condemned the attack which it claimed was in response to the party’s role in the ongoing efforts to form the country’s new federal government following the recent elections.

    They formed part of the Sairoon coalition, an alliance with Islamist firebrand Muqtada al-Sadr which won Iraq’s general election in a shock victory earlier this month.

    The coalition won 54 of the 328 seats in the Baghdad parliament. Suhad al-Khateeb became the first woman Communist candidate to be elected in the Shia-dominated Najaf constituency.

    The party said the result was “a shock to the corrupt who are clinging on to power to the extent of committing heinous crimes to undermine the resolve of those who are demanding reform and change.”

    But it vowed the attack would not weaken the resolve of communists who will continue to march forward “whatever the sacrifices” in the interest of the people and towards building democracy and justice.

    “Shame and disgrace to the perpetrators of this treacherous act and to the politically and morally bankrupt who are behind them,” the statement concluded.

    No group has yet claimed responsibility for the bombing.



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  14. THE Middle East Eye (MEE) reported on November 21 that the US and British military ran at least two secret prisons in Iraq during the months following the 2003 invasion, effectively concealing prisoners from Red Cross inspectors.

    MEE claims that the British army’s most senior legal advisor in the country at the time has filed a criminal complaint to the police about the existence of the so-called black sites.
    The legal advisor has alleged that the prisoners may not have been declared to the Red Cross and may have subsequently been rendered out of the country.
    This allegation comes on the heels of the BBC’s Panorama programme, which in a joint investigation with the Sunday Times newspaper, interviewed witnesses who said they saw soldiers of the Black Watch regiment in Iraq and Afghanistan kill and torture unarmed civilians, including children.
    One of the two secret prisons was inside a joint US-UK forward operating base, known as H1, located at an airfield and oil pipeline pumping station in Iraq’s Western Desert.
    The second, outside the town of al-Qaim near the Syrian border, was known to coalition forces as Station 22.
    In April 2004, the New Yorker magazine revealed the ‘systematic and illegal abuse of detainees’, including torture and degrading treatment, by US interrogators and guards at Abu Ghraib prison, outside Baghdad.
    Subsequent to that, many reports have established both UK and US mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners, and published hundreds of gruesome photographs taken by prison guards.
    These reports have exposed the widespread abuse and torture of detainees and a number of deaths under detention and interrogation, as well as the concealment of prisoners from International Committee of the Red Cross inspectors.
    The newly discovered camps, such as Camp Bucca – perhaps the world’s largest extrajudicial internment camp – were located in the desert surrounded by fences and guard towers.
    Prisoners lived in large communal tents in very bad conditions. Temperatures in these desert conditions can be scorching hot in the day and cold at night and the area is subject to sandstorms.
    There were regular reports of abusive treatment of detainees by guards. Most of them had been detained without warrant, held without charge, and had no opportunity to defend themselves in a trial.
    The latest allegations about possible British war crimes in Iraq comes in the wake of repeated allegations of abuses committed by UK forces in Northern Ireland and other combat theatres.

    The International Criminal Court says it might open an investigation into the war crimes committed by the British military in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The development comes after the British media released an investigation, suggesting that the government had covered up the killings of civilians by British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    While prime minister Boris Johnson has denied any claims of war crimes by the British Army, human rights experts have consistently argued otherwise.
    Anti-war experts also argue of the potential importance of an ICC case in influencing the future actions of the armed forces and also in bringing about justice for families of dead civilians.
    If the criminal court that is looking at war crimes allegations seriously does decide that there is a legitimate case, the move would be the first of its kind
    While the Ministry of Defence says it has no case to answer, human rights experts have always maintained that the UK army must be held accountable for its actions abroad.



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