Abu Ghraib torture investigation insufficient, US officer says

This video is about the documentary film, Ghosts of Abu Ghraib, by Rory Kennedy.

From Associated Press:

Abu Ghraib officer says investigation of abuse at Iraqi prison didn’t go far enough

By BEN NUCKOLS, Associated Press writer

BALTIMORE — The revelation that the Army threw out the conviction of the only officer court-martialed in the Abu Ghraib scandal renewed outrage from human rights advocates who complained that not enough military and civilian leaders were held accountable for the abuse of Iraqi prisoners.

Those critics found an unlikely ally in the officer himself, Lt. Col. Steven L. Jordan, whose conviction on a minor charge of disobeying an order was dismissed this week, leaving him with only an administrative reprimand.

Jordan told The Associated Press on Thursday he believes many officers and enlisted soldiers did not face adequate scrutiny in the investigation that led to convictions against 11 soldiers, none with a rank higher than staff sergeant.

He said the probe was “not complete” and that a link between abusive interrogations at Abu Ghraib and in military prisons at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and in Afghanistan was not adequately established.

If rough interrogation techniques were taught to the soldiers who abused prisoners at Abu Ghraib, Jordan said, “the question at that point is, who’s responsible for that? Is it Donald Rumsfeld? (Lt.) Gen. (Ricardo) Sanchez?

According to Think Progress blog in the USA, even

Bush Rejects McCain’s ‘100-Year’ Occupation Of Iraq: ‘That’s A Long Time’.

US army: 3 Buddies Home From Iraq Are Charged With Murdering a 4th: here.

At least 121 Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans have committed a killing or been charged in one in the United States after returning from combat, The New York Times reported Sunday: here.

2 thoughts on “Abu Ghraib torture investigation insufficient, US officer says

  1. Begin Change NOW With Cheney Impeachment Hearings

    By an overwhelming 79%-12% margin, Americans want to change the disastrous direction George Bush and Dick Cheney have taken us. But there’s no need to wait until January 2009 – we can begin change now with impeachment.

    Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL) is organizing his colleagues to ask House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers to begin Cheney impeachment hearings, and he needs our help.

    We’re asking other Judiciary Committee Members to co-sign Wexler’s letter to Conyers, and we’re asking the rest of Congress to send their own letters to Conyers. Please email your Congressmember here:

    On Wednesday, please call your Congressmember through the Capitol Hill Switchboard (202) 224-3121, toll-free at 1-800-828-0498, or directly (http://www.democrats.com/congress). Tell your Congressmember to urge Chairman Conyers to begin impeachment hearings for Dick Cheney. Then tell your friends and call and email the media.


    Tell the Candidates: Change Begins NOW

    If Martin Luther King Jr. were alive today, he wouldn’t be sniping over the Voting Rights Act of 1964 or Iraq War speeches in 2002.

    He’d be leading the largest protests our nation has ever seen to end to the occupation of Iraq, restore the Constitution, massively shift funds from the military to humanity, and impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney for their war crimes and lies.

    If the Democratic candidates for President want to compete on who is a better agent of change, it’s time for them – all of them – to stop talking and start acting. Email Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, and Barack Obama to

    1. Oppose any more Iraq War funds
    2. Support Sen. Chris Dodd’s filibuster of telco immunity for warrantless wiretapping
    3. Support Rep. Robert Wexler’s call for Cheney impeachment hearings
    4. Support Rep. John Conyers’ single-payer non-profit health care plan



    Grassroots Impeachment Activists Are Making a Difference

    Impeachment activism is exploding from coast to coast.

    * John Nirenberg, a retired college professor, has completed a 40-day march from Boston to Washington D.C., where he will ask Speaker Nancy Pelosi to begin impeachment hearings. He’s garnered a great deal of media attention along the way and has planned a press conference for noon on January 16th on the Cannon House Office Building Terrace. Watch the end of the march: http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/30080

    * Citizens with “Impeach” on their shirts were ordered not to view the U.S. Constitution at the National Archives: http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/30068

    * Subcommittee on the Constitution Chairman Jerrold Nadler’s constituents protested repeatedly at his office and went to jail asking for impeachment hearings: http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/29969 http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/29809

    * Viggo Mortensen, John Kaminski, Dennis Kucinich, John Nichols, and David Swanson spoke at New Hampshire forum for impeachment. Video: http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/29968

    * A New Hampshire Democratic Party event exploded when Kucinich said the word “Impeach” – http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/30065

    * Maine impeachment activism led conservative Democratic congress member Mike Michaud to ask Conyers to begin Cheney impeachment hearings: http://afterdowningstreet.org/me

    * A big name impeachment debate shakes up North Carolina: http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/30058

    * Veterans for Peace brought impeachment to Rep. Pete Visclosky’s (D-IN) Town Hall Meetings: http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/30051

    * Lois Capp’s constituents baked her an impeachment pie: http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/30079

    * Yet another ACLU chapter backs impeachment: http://afterdowningstreet.org/aclu

    * Cindy Sheehan to deliver huge stack of pro-impeachment letters to Speaker Nancy Pelosi: http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/29986

    * First newspaper editorialized for Cheney impeachment: http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/29955

    * The Washington and New Hampshire state legislatures are taking up impeachment resolutions this month. The first hearing in Olympia is scheduled for January 17th. Here are details on Washington and New Hampshire, plus the list of resolutions already passed around the country:
    http://afterdowningstreet.org/wa and http://afterdowningstreet.org/nh and http://impeachpac.org/resolutions-list


    Boycott General Electric for Censoring Kucinich

    General Electric corporate family member NBC has rewritten its criteria for including candidates in debates specifically to exclude the real peace candidate, Dennis Kucinich. Of course GE is a major weapons manufacturer so peace threatens its profits.

    Less than 44 hours after NBC sent a congratulatory note and an invitation to Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich to participate in the Jan. 15 Democratic Presidential debate in Las Vegas, the network notified the campaign that it was changing it announced criteria, rescinding its invitation, and excluding Kucinich from the debate.

    Contact your congress member and your local media:

    Tell GE you will boycott its products and why.


    Start Planning for March 2008

    Start planning your local and national actions to demand peace and impeachment in March 2008 here:



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  2. Pingback: Abu Ghraib, Iraq torture for complaining about garbage | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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