Desperate British Conservative anti-Corbyn ‘spy’ smears own goal

This video from Britain says about itself:


20 February 2018

Several outlets have covered a story accusing Jeremy Corbyn of spying in yet another ridiculously bogus story. The man who accuses Corbyn also takes credit for founding Live Aid! Moreover, what were the Tories up to in the 1980’s?

A filthy anti-communist campaign has been mounted by Rupert Murdoch’s the Sun and the Times—along with the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph—claiming that Jeremy Corbyn was a paid informer for the Czech secret service in the 1980s: here.

Rupert Murdoch and British Conservatives are watching so many James Bond movies that they have forgotten all differences between fantasy and reality.

The extreme right American John Birch Society and Republican politician and Mormon church leader Benson also used to say that Republican President of the USA General Eisenhower was a Russian spy.

Jeremy Corbyn was in Derbyshire when ex-Czech spy claims they met in London, leader’s records show. The Labour leader ‘s spokesman branded the former agent’s claims ‘utterly ridiculous’: here.

Jeremy Corbyn demands apology and donation to charity from Tory MP who said he ‘sold British secrets to spies’: here.

Satire: Jeremy ‘Stalin’ Corbyn really does have some explaining to do now it’s clear he gave Czech spies information about Margaret Thatcher’s breakfast. The Conservative strategy for winning back support is to try to convince people the Labour leader supports a regime which he always opposed and which no longer exists, which I for one think is admirable: here.

Leave Jeremy Corbyn Alone. He’s The Leader We Young Jews Have Waited For. By Annie Cohen.

BUSTED! Murdoch hack pretends to be Labour supporter leaving party over Corbyn: here.

The Socialist Equality Party denounces the March 3 physical assault on Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. The political differences between the SEP and Corbyn are well known and unbridgeable. But we unreservedly call on workers and young people to defend him from any attack by the extreme right: here.

30 thoughts on “Desperate British Conservative anti-Corbyn ‘spy’ smears own goal

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