London demonstration against Libyan slavery

This video from England says about itself:

London protest against slavery in Libya

MXM coordinator Sukant Chandan speaks on his experiences working with the Libyan resistance against racism and neo-colonialism in Libya. This protest took place outside the Libyan embassy on Sunday 26 November 2017.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Protesters demand action outside Libyan embassy

Monday 27th November 2017

WESTERN imperialism has created the conditions that have allowed the growth of slave markets in Libya, protesters heard at a demonstration in London yesterday.

Hundreds of people took to the streets and protested outside the Libyan embassy after shocking footage emerged this week of a slave auction in the north African nation.

The footage provoked an angry response across Europe with violent scenes at a demonstration in the Belgian capital of Brussels as protesters clashed with riot police. Fifty people were arrested.

In London, marchers held placards declaring “we are not for sale.” One demonstrator from Libya said that bombing led by Western governments and regime change had led to instability in the country, allowing space for traffickers to grow.

“We need to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Africa”, she said.

4 thoughts on “London demonstration against Libyan slavery

  1. Pingback: Libya slave markets and protests | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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