Another Brazilian corrupt coup minister’s downfall

This video says about itself:

5 September 2016

Tens of thousands have demonstrated against Brazil‘s newly installed President Michel Temer at a massive rally in Sao Paulo. Demonstrators said Temer and his allies illegally removed Dilma Rousseff from power. Sao Paulo police say they fired tear gas.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Brazil: Minister quits over corruption

Saturday 26th November 2016

UNELECTED Brazilian President Michel Temer’s scandal-prone government suffered another blow yesterday when a minister resigned over corruption allegations.

Legislative Affairs Minister Geddel Vieira Lima quit after former culture minister Marcelo Calero told federal police that he had pressured him to allow construction of a luxury building in a historic preservation area of the city of Salvador.

Mr Calero, who resigned last week, testified that Mr Temer himself had suggested ways to avoid the normal oversight process for such a building.

He said Mr Temer had invited him to the presidential palace last week to suggest “a way out,” indicating that the building restrictions had created “operational difficulties” for his administration.

Following the removal of the Dilma Rousseff as president of Brazil, the new unelected president has launched a wave of neoliberal policies, but is facing massive resistance, writes CHRIS WILLIAMSON: here.

Free-trade with right wing Brazil means privatisation and environmental damage: here.

10 thoughts on “Another Brazilian corrupt coup minister’s downfall

  1. Pingback: Another Brazilian corrupt coup minister’s downfall — Dear Kitty. Some blog – MBUTA MGONGO WAZI

  2. Wednesday 30th November 2016

    posted by James Tweedie in World

    BRAZIL’S unelected president Michel Temer faces calls for impeachment over his alleged role in the latest corruption scandal to hit the government.

    The Workers Party (PT), the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) and the Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL) called on Congress to depose Mr Temer on Sunday.

    And protesters gathered in Brazil’s largest city Sao Paulo to demand his overthrow and the end of his government’s austerity policies, including a bill to freeze public spending for the next 20 years.

    Impeachment would be an ironic end to Mr Temer’s presidency, which formally began on August 31 when elected PT President Dilma Rousseff was impeached in a “legislative coup.”

    The allegations against Mr Temer surfaced last week when culture minister Marcelo Calero resigned, alleging Mr Temer had encouraged him to circumvent planning laws for a luxury development in a historic conservation area of the city of Salvador.

    Legislative Affairs Minister Geddel Vieira Lima, who Mr Calero said pressured him to approve the project, resigned while insisting on his innocence.

    British campaign group No Coup in Brazil said yesterday that the true nature of the putschist regime was becoming clearer by the day.

    Campaign member and Chilean academic Francisco Dominguez said: “This new instance of corruption is an indication of the nature of the Temer government, at the heart of which lies corruption.

    “It confirms that the principal reason for ousting the democratically elected president Dilma Rousseff was to protect the Brazilian oligarchy from serious scrutiny into their corrupt practices.

    “The struggle against corruption and the de-facto golpista [coup] government deserves our total support.”


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