British nazis attack Jewish girls’ school

About this video from Britain:

5 December 2009

Hitler’s British Girl is a Channel 4 documentary film about British Nazi sympathizer Unity Mitford and her relationship with Adolf Hitler. The film made by following an investigation by journalist Martin Bright that revealed that she might have secretly given birth to Hitler’s lovechild.

Plot summary

The film starts with footage showing the 19-year-old Unity Mitford at the 1933 Nuremberg Rally where she said to have become obsessed with Adolf Hitler. Unity and Hitler are said to have had a close relationship for five years and are even rumoured to have been engaged.

Newsreel footage from January 1940 shows Unity returning to England from Nazi Germany in a stretcher. Contemporary newspapers speculate that her relationship with Hitler had resulted in her either poisoning herself or being shot by Hitler after a tiff. In truth, she shot herself in the head on the day war was declared, only to miraculously survive. There were public calls at the time for her to be interned. Recently released documents show that the head of MI5, Guy Liddell, agreed. According to the film, Unity’s father persuaded Home Secretary Sir John Anderson not to do so. Furthermore, despite her having had a close relationship with Hitler, she was not even interrogated. Unity was allowed to retire quietly to the English countryside. The documentary suggests that Hillview Cottage, where she lived, was often used as a maternity home, suggesting the possibility that she may have given birth to Hitlers baby. A niece of midwife Betty Norton interviewed and claims that Unity had secretly given birth to a child at Hillview Cottage in Wigginton, Oxfordshire, rumoured to be the son of Hitler.

Biographers explain Unity’s difficult upbringing as the younger sister of prettier, cleverer, more successful sisters and her adoption of fascism as a way to rebel and make herself distinct. In 1932, Unity’s elder sister Diana begins an affair with British fascist leader Oswald Mosley. Against her father’s wishes, Unity meets with Mosley and, according to Oswald’s son, becomes a member of the party. The following year, Diana and Unity go to the Nuremberg rally as part of the British delegation, where Unity becomes obsessed with the Führer. Unity returns to Germany in the summer of 1934 and proceeds to stalk Hitler until she is eventually invited to his table at the Osteria Bavaria Restaurant in Munich. Hitler feels a mystical connection with the girl and she is subsequently invited to party rallies and state occasions.

Bright visits the Oxford registry office in search of birth records. Records of numerous births at Hillview Cottage at the time corroborate claims that it was a secret wartime maternity hospital, but none registered to Unity. Biographers report that Hitler and Unity had become very close and that Hitler would play Unity off against his new girlfriend Eva Braun until the latter attempted suicide. Unity learned from this that desperate measure were needed to capture the Fuehrer’s attention and had written a virulently anti-Semitic open-letter to Der Stürmer which concluded, “P.S. please publish my name in full, I want everyone to know I am a Jew hater.” Unity summers at the Berghoff and discusses a possible German-British alliance with Hitler, going so far as to supply lists of potential supporters and enemies. These dreams are shattered, however, at the Bayreuth festival in 1939 when Hitler warns her of imminent war and urges her to return to Britain. She refuses and, on the day war is announced, takes the gun Hitler had given her and attempts suicide. Surviving the attempt, she is visited in hospital by Hitler who arranges for her return to England. Back in England, Bright finds apparent confirmation that she did indeed go to Wigginton. A lifetime resident of Wigginton confirms to Bright that Unity stayed at Hillview Cottage only to recover from a nervous breakdown. In 1948, the bullet, still lodged in her brain, became infected and she died en route to the hospital.

Biographers maintain that the obsessive relationship between Unity and Hitler was strictly platonic.

By Lamiat Sabin in Britain:

Swastikas daubed on vans outside Jewish girls’ school

Tuesday 15th November 2016

SWASTIKAS were found yesterday sprayed onto vans left outside a Jewish school.

The vehicles had been parked opposite the entrance to Beis Malka Girls’ School in Stamford Hill, an area of north London with the highest number of ultra-Orthodox Jews in Europe.

Jewish neighbourhood watch group Shomrim, which reported the graffiti to the police, shared images on Twitter of the nazi symbols sprayed on the vans in black paint.

The group believes that the graffiti was done overnight before children returned to classes yesterday. Up to 500 girls aged between two and 16 attend the private faith school.

Shomrim said yesterday: “Young schoolchildren and their parents were shocked to discover the offensive graffiti.”

In a separate case, nazi stickers were spotted on lampposts and doors in Liverpool on Remembrance Sunday. Merseyside Police confirmed that officers are investigating.

Sabby Dhalu of Stand Up to Racism said there was a connection between the rise of divisive figures in politics and an increase in incidents involving severe hostility to minority groups.

She said: “One of the dangers of Donald Trump’s election as US president is that fascists and racists across the globe feel emboldened by his victory.

“There is a link between racist hate speech by politicians and racist attacks on the ground. We must unite against this scourge of racism.”

London Mayor Sadiq Khan called for unity between “increasingly divided” communities and an end to the politics of division.

He added: “That’s why now, more than ever, we need to build a strong sense of social solidarity within our cities, a renewed sense that we are united as neighbours and citizens.”

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