Fascism and anti-fascism in Poland

This 2016 video is about Adolf Hitler‘s ‘Eagle’s Nest’ house in the Alps.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Warning over fascist festival leads to activist being sued

Friday 10th November 2017

A LEADING Polish anti-fascist campaigner is being sued after warning that a neonazi rock festival in her country promotes “fascist ideas.”

Organisers of the Eagle’s Nest festival are taking Nigdy Wiecej (Never Again) magazine co-editor and Holocaust historian Dr Anna Tatar to court for defamation.

She could face up to a year in jail over her comments on the festival in 2016, when told news site Onet.pl that “fascist ideas are promoted” at the festival and “such events must not take place in Poland.”

The trial was opened in the Kielce district court and transferred to the regional court for Warsaw in October.

In a statement on Wednesday night, Dr Tatar warned: “The activities of the extreme right in Poland are getting more and more bold and ostentatious.

“The musical festivals and marches which they organise allegedly to celebrate various national holidays are but an umbrella for the rallies of neonazis from all over Europe,” she said.

“It is depressing to see that the anti-racist activists are facing consequences in the courts.”

The Eagle’s Nest has been held every year since 2013, with both Polish and international bands on the bill — some affiliated to international neonazi network Blood and Honour.

They include such acts as All Bandits, Nordica, Stalag and Obled, once known as Konkwista 88 — the 88 representing the slogan “Heil Hitler.”

One Obled song speaks of fighting “for blood and honour, for white pride and the Celtic cross,” while their number The White Violets has the lyrics: “We shall not allow the spoiling of our pure blood, we are the Slavic power.”

Audience members have been seen giving the nazi salute during songs.

Dr Tatar is not the only Nigdy Wiecej campaigner to face legal action this year.

In September, Leszek Scioch was charged with “preventing a lawful demonstration celebrating the victory of the Polish soldiers over the Red Army.”

That was after he took part in a sit-in roadblock counter-demonstration against an August 15 march through Warsaw by far-right groups the All-Polish Youth and the National-Radical Camp (ONR).

And Rafal Maszkowski was arrested for trying to block an April 29 march to commemorate the ONR’s 1934 founding.

He said police did nothing to stop ONR members marching through Warsaw chanting: “Death to the enemies of the fatherland,” “No Islam, terrorists, Muslims in our country” and “the white warriors are coming.”

60,000 people march in massive Nazi rally in Poland: here.

4 thoughts on “Fascism and anti-fascism in Poland

  1. Saturday 11th November 2017

    POLISH anti-fascists warned of Islamophobic hate-mongering at today’s far-right march through Warsaw on Poland’s independence day.

    Neonazis from across Europe are expected at the event, which has grown steadily since it began in 2009.

    Never Again association co-founder Rafal Pankowski said people should not be fooled by the march’s slogan We Want God, the lyric from a traditional Polish hymn.

    “They use Christianity as a kind of identity marker, which is mostly about being anti-Islam now,” he said, adding that far-right “neo-pagans” plan to take part alongside Roman Catholic groups.

    Far-right US National Policy Institute think tank president Richard Spencer — most famous for a video in which he is punched in the face — has been invited to speak, but his attendance remains in doubt.

    Last month Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said Mr Spencer “should not appear publicly, and especially not in Poland,” describing him as someone “who defames what happened during World War II, defames the Holocaust.”



  2. Pingback: Neonazis march in Warsaw, Poland | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: ‘Polish governmental inaction against neonazis’ | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: British nazis jailed for Islamophobic crimes | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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