Dutch singer’s anti-Donald Trump song

This music video says about itself:

18 March 2008

Musician, composer & singer Fay Lovsky at Haagse Bibliotheek (The Hague, Netherlands) on 16 March 2008. Bass & vibes Jet Stevens; guitars, banjo & vocals Laurens Joensen.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Protest Song Fay Lovsky: Trump, you irresponsible clown

Today, 09:55

“How dare you! Bring your nation down. How very very dare you. You irresponsible clown!” With these lyrics Fay Lovsky addresses the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. She sang her protest song The Candidate last week for the first time at the Festival Parade in Utrecht.

Fay Lovsky (real name Fay Luyendijk, born in Leiden in 1955) is known as a musical multi-talent. …

“So it is with Trump. It can not be avoided. Honestly, I felt like Bruce Springsteen or Lady Gaga would oppose him with a fiery song, but so far there is nothing. My song is a cri de coeur (ed: cry of my heart)”….

Internationally numerous rock artists have spoken out strongly against Trump, including stars like Cher, Adele, Shakira, Neil Young and Michael Stipe of REM. They call him alternately stupid or racist.

Fay Lovsky signals that Trump does use the Queen hit We Are the Champions during his campaign. “Freddy Mercury can not defend himself against that anymore. To hear such a song in the context of Trump is terrible. It’s scary how abuse is made of that music.” …

“I, being Dutch, cannot vote in the US. But I do have my feelings about this: disappointment about the loss of respect in the great democratic example of the United States of America.”

The lack of respect, according to the musician, is disturbing. “It’s exactly what I feel with [Dutch xenophobic politician and Trump supporter] Geert Wilders – the lack of political decency.”

She can explain the popularity of the Republican presidential candidate. “He touches a chord with his supporters, of course. People feel removed from power. But Trump is a liar. He is a businessman and can take away people’s jobs if he thinks it is necessary to cut back in one of his companies.” …

No Clinton fan

Although she dislikes Trump, Lovsky is not a supporter of Hillary Clinton. “Absolutely not. Clinton and Trump are both incarnate advocates of large US companies. These are responsible for pollution, death and destruction. They have no face to speak directly to about responsibility.”

These companies, according to the artist, are active globally, so Europeans have an interest in the US elections. “That gives me a reason to open my mouth and to speak to Trump about his lack of manners.”

The effort to plant the seeds of white nationalism in the political mainstream, where they might blossom into pro-white political coalitions that appeal to a broader swath of white voters, will not be easy, according to the chairman of the American Nazi Party. But Rocky Suhayda thinks there is one political figure who presents a “real opportunity” to lessen the load. Who is it? Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president: here.

25 thoughts on “Dutch singer’s anti-Donald Trump song

  1. Mon Aug 8, 2016 1:11 am (PDT) . Posted by:
    “raccoon” redwoodsaurus
    > http://www.pennlive.com/news/2016/08/trump_asks_why_us_cant_use_nuc.html
    > Trump asks why U.S. can’t use nuclear weapons
    > Donald Trump asked three times why the U.S. can’t use its nuclear weapons, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said on air Wednesday.
    > He cited an unnamed foreign policy adviser who had spoken with the Republican presidential nominee.
    > “If we have them, why can’t we use them?” Trump said, according to Scarborough.
    > Scarborough made the comments during an interview with former CIA Director Michael Hayden, who led the agency during the George W. Bush administration.
    > The morning show host asked Hayden how quickly nuclear weapons could be launched if a president gave approval.
    > “It’s scenario dependent, but the system is designed for speed and decisiveness. It’s not designed to debate the decision,” Hayden said during the interview.
    > Trump’s campaign has not responded to any of PennLive’s questions throughout the 2016 election.
    > In an email to The Hill , Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said there is no truth to Scarborough’s claim.
    > During a March town hall , Trump said, “Somebody hits us within ISIS, you wouldn’t fight back with a nuke?”
    > Here are some other comments Trump has made openly about nuclear weapons:
    > In a November interview with GQ magazine, Trump said he would be calm under pressure. “I will have a military that’s so strong and powerful, and so respected, we’re not gonna have to nuke anybody.”
    > He told the New York Times in March they should be the “absolute last step.” In the same interview, he said, “We have nuclear arsenals which are in very terrible shape.”
    > In a March interview with CNN , Trump said it might be time to reverse a policy preventing Japan from having a nuclear weapon. “Can I be honest are you? Maybe it’s going to have to be time to change, because so many people, you have Pakistan has it, you have China has it. You have so many other countries are now having it.”
    > In an April interview with NBC , he said it is a “horror” to use nuclear weapons and he’d be the last to do it. But Trump also said, “I don’t want to rule out anything.”


  2. Remember during the Republican National Convention when Ivanka Trump said her father–a man who routinely denigrates women–would be a champion for working moms? Remember when she said, “As a mother myself, of three young children, I know how hard it is to work while raising a family”?1

    Well, get this: It turns out Trump doesn’t give her own employees basic maternity leave at her fashion company.2 If she won’t do it, why should anyone believe her father’s administration will–especially when he calls breastfeeding moms “disgusting” and routinely spews sexist insults at powerful working women?

    Look, parental leave should not be a partisan issue–57% of Republicans support it.3

    If Ivanka and the Trumps are serious about championing working moms, they can start by cleaning up their own houses. Can you demand Ivanka Trump give her employees access to paid leave?

    Tell Ivanka Trump: As long as you’re advocating for working women, grant your own employees paid family leave.

    Sign the petition

    Ivanka Trump clothes collected $100 million in revenue last year–yet the employees at the company, G-III Apparel Group, that design and distribute her clothes receive no adequate support for caring for a new child. And this, despite her claiming that “parental leave is enormously important” and continuing to build her brand around empowering women in the workplace.4

    Parental leave is important. Because the US doesn’t mandate paid parental leave, a whopping one in four new moms return to work a mere two weeks after giving birth–still exhausted and still healing from childbirth. And the women who bear the brunt the U.S.’s outdated policies? Low-income women and women of color.5

    Paid family leave has been a huge issue this election cycle–both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have been touting their positions on it. And now, Donald Trump’s spokesperson for family-friendly policy, Ivanka, is on the hook to answer for her own hypocritical employee policies. If thousands of us speak up, we not only can force Ivanka Trump to grant her employees access to paid leave but also propel the issue further going into the election.

    Demand Ivanka Trump grant her employees paid leave.

    –Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kaili, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Megan, and Libby, the UltraViolet team


    1. Read Ivanka Trump’s Speech at the Republican Convention, Time, July 21, 2016

    2. Ivanka Trump champions working moms — except the ones who design her clothes, Washington Post, August 8, 2016

    3. New Poll: As the Nation’s Unpaid Leave Law Turns 23, Nearly Four in Five Voters Agree It’s Important for Paid Family and Medical Leave to Be Next, National Partnership for Women and Families, February 4, 2016

    4. Ivanka Trump champions working moms — except the ones who design her clothes, Washington Post, August 8, 2016

    5. One-Quarter Of Mothers Return To Work Less Than 2 Weeks After Giving Birth, Report Finds, Huffington Post, August 19, 2015


  3. Wednesday 10th July 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    DONALD TRUMP claimed yesterday that his plans to slash corporation tax from 35 to 15 per cent would boost the US’s economic growth.

    The Republican presidential candiate told Fox News that the cut would make a growth rate of 4 per cent “easily attainable.”

    Mr Trump announced his tax polices on Monday at the Detroit Economic Club, pledging to reduce the number of income-tax bands from seven to three and cut the highest band from almost 40 per cent to 33 per cent — and make childcare costs tax-deductible.



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