Turkish army attacks Kurds in Syria

This video from the USA says about itself:

Turkey Intensifies Attacks On Kurdish PKK… And Civilians

16 January 2016

The New York Times has a story about what is happening in the fight against the PKK in Turkey. The Turkish government doesn’t allow much press into the area, and frame it as a fight against terrorists. They’ve now rolled in tanks which have fired into cities. Cenk Uygur, host of the The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“Gunfire clattered constantly and smoke rose from two towns in south-east Turkey as the president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said Kurdish militants would be “annihilated” in an intensifying urban battle that has killed 25 fighters in two days.

The three-decades-old insurgency by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party flared up again in July after the collapse of a ceasefire that had lasted two years, plunging Turkey’s mainly Kurdish south-east back into open conflict.

Twenty-four PKK militants were killed in Cizre and one in Silopi in the latest operations, the Turkish military said in a statement. Eight members of the security forces suffered wounds that were not life threatening.

The two towns, in Şırnak province near the border with Syria and Iraq, have become central targets for the latest anti-PKK operations in which Turkey’s media says 10,000 police and troops, backed by tanks, are taking part.”

Read more here.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Turks shoot at Kurdish targets in Syria

Today, 18:22

Turkey has bombarded an area in the north of Syria, where Kurdish fighters are. The areas shelled by the Turkish military include a military airfield captured by the Kurds near the town of Azaz. …

The area in the north since a few days is in the hands of Kurdish rebels, to the displeasure of Turkey. The Turkish government considers the Kurdish militias to be terrorists.

Ankara says the militias have links with the PKK. With that political party, the Turkish army is embroiled in a bloody conflict in southeastern Turkey.

The Kurds are the main ally on the ground in Syria of the USA. The US Americans lead an international coalition, including Turkey, carrying out airstrikes in Syria and Iraq to fight the ‘Islamic State’ (ISIS). The US Americans don’t consider the Kurdish fighters to be terrorists, to the frustration of the Turkish government.

The problem here is that the whole NATO alliance (including the USA, Turkey, etc.) officially considders the Kurds in Turkey, allies of the Syrian Kurds, to be ‘terrorists’.

Turkey shells Kurdish fighters in Aleppo province: here.

Turkey shelled positions held by the main Kurdish militia in northern Syria for a second day Sunday … The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights activist group said two fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces — a coalition of Kurdish and Arab fighters — have been killed and seven others wounded in the shelling: here.

Saudi Arabia sends troops and fighter jets to military base in Turkey: here.

Why the US is skeptical of Saudi involvement in Syria: here.

12 thoughts on “Turkish army attacks Kurds in Syria

  1. “Nederland verkoopt de Koerden uit om vluchtelingen tegen te houden”


    Spandoeken: Frontex moordt voor de EU


    Oorverdovend zwijgen bij Belgisch links over Turkse repressie tegen Koerden



  2. Pingback: Turkish artillery killing Syrian civilians | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  5. Thursday 10th
    posted by James Tweedie in World

    Kurdish militia say anti-Assad fighters used white phosphorus

    SYRIAN Kurdish militia accused Western-backed insurgents of using white phosphorus chemical weapons in attacks on residential areas.

    People’s Protection Units (YPG) spokesman Redur Xelil said late on Tuesday that the coalition of rebel factions occupying the eastern half of Aleppo had fired rockets into the YPG-controlled suburb of Sheikh Maqsood that afternoon.

    He said that the rockets carried a yellow material believed to be white phosphorus, weapons-grade quantities of which typically have a yellow hue.

    Russia Today’s Lizzie Phelan quoted Kurdish sources as saying that several YPG guerillas had been taken to hospital complaining of skin irritation following the attack.

    Among the 10 groups in the Aleppo coalition is the powerful Islamist Ahrar al-Sham, one of the two largest forces in the Saudi-convened High Negotiations Committee (HNC) umbrella group along with the Army of Islam.

    Mr Xelil made the allegation in a statement addressed to foreign observers of the Russian-US brokered “cessation of hostilities” between President Bashar al-Assad’s government and its allies and the HNC.

    He said the shelling began at 3pm local time and was continuing even as he wrote his report.

    Mr Xelil posted a video online showing a yellow cloud rising and drifting from a hillside near residential areas.

    White phosphorus weapons have horrific effects. The chemical burns at an extreme temperature and sticks to human skin, causing deep third-degree burns.

    Phosphorus smoke irritates and burns the eyes, respiratory tract and even skin in a similar way to the chemical weapon mustard gas.

    Russian ceasefire monitors at Khmeimim airbase in western Latakia province reported seven breaches of the truce on Tuesday, all by insurgents.

    Four incidents were reported in Aleppo province, including the shelling of Sheikh Maqsood.

    Two breaches were alleged in neighbouring Idlib, including shelling of the besieged government-held towns of Foua’a and Kefraya and one in Latakia.

    The YPG has been fighting to expand its pocket in Sheik Maqsood in recent weeks, threatening to cut off the rebels’ narrow supply corridor from Idlib — and access to the mountainous border with Turkey — and surround rebel forces in east Aleppo.



  6. Pingback: German government persecutes comedian for satire on dictator Erdogan | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  7. We did it! We hebben ons doel bereikt!

    To all of our amazing donors:

    WE DID IT!!!!!!!!

    We are unbelievably excited to announce the completion of the School Bus Project for Miss Muna’s Preschool in Kobane!! Thanks to all of your amazing contributions, support, and patience, the school has received a new school bus and 500 aid packages!! We could not have achieved this goal without all of your wonderful help and ongoing generosity.

    We would also like to apologize for this project taking so long to complete. As you are all aware, the logistics of working in a region so isolated on all sides makes it very difficult to achieve any results, but we are incredibly grateful for your support in allowing us to push through and make it happen!

    Every child in the school has received a backpack filled with school supplies, and the school itself has

    been given extra supplies such as paper, pens and pencils, markers, fans, water coolers, toys, and musical instruments. Your support has not only provided these children with transport, but with the materials to greatly improve their educational experience.

    As the School Bus Project draws to a close, we are excited to announce a new joint endeavor! Together with the Maas en Peel Library, we will be starting work this summer on a new project to provide 50.000 Euros worth of books to elementary schools across Rojava. We are incredibly excited to begin, and we hope we can count on your continued support along the journey!

    Finally, we are proud to welcome our newest group of volunteers from Den Haag. We are looking forward to working together on our new initiatives! We are also always excited to welcome new volunteers, so if you are in the Netherlands and interested in getting involved, please contact us!

    Thank you again for all of your wonderful help and generosity!


    Stichting Help Kobane


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