Stop bombing Syria, London demonstration, this Saturday

Syrian children's peace message

From daily The Morning Star in Britain today:

Downing Street said yesterday that RAF warplanes are now flying five missions a day over Iraq and Syria, up from two a day over Iraq before the vote.

The Stop the War Coalition, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the Muslim Association of Britain have called a big demonstration for Saturday calling on Britain to immediately stop its air strikes against Syria. It will assemble at 12 noon outside BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1.

London Stop bombing Syria demonstration

From the site of the Stop the War coalition:

A fourth war in a Muslim country in the past fourteen years will achieve the same results as the previous three – death, misery and destruction. The national demonstration on Saturday 12 December will call for an immediate stop to the bombing of Syria.

See Stop the War statement following Parliament voting for more war

Stop Bombing Syria | National demonstration
Saturday 12 December | Assemble 12 Noon
BBC Broadcasting House | Portland Place W1A 1AA
Supported by CND and the Muslim Association of Britain

Follow this page for action updates. Send details of activities in your area, details of coaches etc to: Or send a tweet to: @STWuk


Coaches are being booked around the country to bring protesters to the demonstration. Among those already booked are Birmingham, Newcastle and Bristol. Details and coach updates here.

Also from the Stop the War site:

Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire brings a message from Syrian children

Mairead Maguire, 07 December 2015

Syrian children who have suffered so much from violence and war in their young lives, send a message: ‘UK please do not bomb our country‘.

7 thoughts on “Stop bombing Syria, London demonstration, this Saturday

  1. Reblogged this on Saine Corner and commented:
    For anyone who is against war I suggest joining the protest in the ‘Stop The War Coalition’. If, like myself, you can’t join the London demonstration on Saturday, 12 December 2015 calling for an immediate stop to the bombing in Syria… you can also show your support for the campaign by becoming a member.


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