Birds and autumn leaves photos

Jackdaw on bicycle, 7 November 2015

Today, 7 November 2015, we saw this jackdaw on a bicycle near the botanical garden.

Jackdaw, 7 November 2015

It later flew to the ground.

Rembrandtpark leaves, 7 November 2015

In the Rembrandtpark, these beautiful autumn leaves.

Grey heron, 7 November 2015

And this grey heron looking for food …

Grey heron looking, 7 November 2015

it sees something …

Grey heron with fish, 7 November 2015

… and catches this little fish. It caught three small fishes.

Autumn leaves, 7 November 2015

Finally, some more autumn leaves, along the canal.

Autumn leaves, on 7 November 2015

7 thoughts on “Birds and autumn leaves photos

  1. Pingback: Leaf litter wildlife | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Red squirrel prepares for winter, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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