Syrian war refugees interviewed

This video from the USA says about itself:

Super-Christian Mike Huckabee [one of the 16 Republican Party candidates for the presidency of the USA] Not So Christian On Syrian Refugees

15 October 2015

In an interview with Iowa talk radio host Jan Mickelson yesterday, GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee falsely suggested that the U.S. is not thoroughly vetting the Syrian refugees it is accepting, saying that unlike Vietnamese refugees who were resettled in the U.S. after the Vietnam War, Syrians are merely seeking U.S. benefits because they are “not living a very fancy life.” – See more here.

Huckabee Suggests Poor People Should Be Sold Into Slavery For Stealing: here.

In Dutch weekly Leids Nieuwsblad, 14 October 2015 paper edition, there is an interview by Hans Schuurman with some of the 120 refugees now temporarily living in a sports hall in Leiden city.

Mohamed, 30 years old, used to live in Damascus, the capital of Syria. Suddenly, unexpectedly again and again the violence of war threatens people living there. Mohamed fled three months ago. By train, by bus. And by rubber boat across the Meditteranean to Greece which cost 3,000 euros. Then, he continued on foot.

He felt most fear not in the rubber boat, but in Hungary: police might arrest him and jail him for years.

When he reached Germany, he said he wanted to go to the Netherlands, and then he could continue by bus. Why the Netherlands? ‘I have heard that the Netherlands is a tolerant country with many secular people. I myself don’t believe in Islam, into which I was born, any more. Please, don’t tell that to others. If ISIS would have got hold of me in Syria, they would have slit my throat’.

Michael, 39 years of age, is a Christian. He is from Aleppo, a city which suffers much from warfare. He hopes that it will possible soon to reunite with his wife and two daughters, 5 and 7 years old.

18 thoughts on “Syrian war refugees interviewed

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