Wallcreeper, dipper and crested tit in Spain

This video is the trailer of a film about wallcreepers.

Underneath here is a photo of a wallcreeper. A really special bird. One of the main reasons why we went to the Pyrenees mountains in Spain.

Wallcreeper, 1 November 2014

We might have seen a wallcreeper at the canyons near Alquézar on 31 October. However, we did not.

Next day, 1 November 2014, we left the foothills of the Pyrenees for the higher parts of these mountains.

10:00: a griffon vulture on a pylon.

Thirteen minutes later, we are at about 1200 meter above sea level. A small bridge across a stream.

The first special bird which we see is a dipper among the rocks in the water.

Wallcreeper spreads wings, 1 November 2014

Soon afterwards, a maybe even more spectacular bird: a wallcreeper on the canyon face!

Wallcreeper spreading wings, 1 November 2014

Wallcreeper still spreading wings, 1 November 2014

In summer, male wallcreepers have black throats, females have grey throats. Now, in November, they both have whitish throats.

Wallcreeper spreading wings again, 1 November 2014

This bird sings (hear recordings here). As both genders sing, we can’t know whether this bird is male or female.

Wallcreeper singing, 1 November 2014

Wallcreeper looking sideways, 1 November 2014

They usually nest above 2000 meter, and are at lower altitudes now because of the approaching winter.

Wallcreeper still looking sideways, 1 November 2014

Wallcreeper flying, 1 November 2014

We walk on. A long-tailed tit in a coniferous tree.

Griffon vultures circle around a mountain top.

A crested tit in another coniferous tree.

A bit further, a treecreeper doing acrobatics on the underside of a branch.

Then, a coal tit.

As we go back, we leave the forest.

A golden eagle flying high.

Alpine choughs flying lower, near a rock face.

Though it is November, still blue chicory flowers.

On a white lucerne flower, a small butterfly: a geranium bronze. Originally from South Africa; introduced to Spain.

We continue, still higher up the Pyrenees.

20 thoughts on “Wallcreeper, dipper and crested tit in Spain

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