Footballer Balotelli attacked by racists

This soccer video is called Mario Balotelli Amazing Skills 2008 – 2014.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Liverpool star racially abused on Twitter

Monday 22nd September 2014

Liverpool striker Mario Balotelli was the victim of racial abuse on Twitter yesterday following his reaction to Manchester United’s shock defeat to Leicester.

Balotelli, part of the Reds side which lost 3-1 at West Ham on Saturday, tweeted: “Man Utd…LOL” in response to United’s 5-3 loss at Filbert Way.

His tweet was met by a string of racist messages, including one from an @CraigSainsbury which read: “F*** you Mario you f****** n*****. Got eat some bananas and get ebola you dirty monkey.”

The account from which the tweet was sent subsequently appeared to have been closed.

Balotelli has been singled out for racist abuse in the past.

He was heckled by Italy supporters during a pre-World Cup training camp in May and was on the receiving end of numerous instances of racist abuse during his time at Inter Milan and, more recently, AC Milan.

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