Yet another bishop abused children, Roman Catholic church admits

Bishop Niënhaus, photo: ANP

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Diocese admits abuse by Niënhaus

Update: Friday 25 May 2014, 14:55

The Archdiocese of Utrecht has admitted that not only Bishop Jo Gijsen but also Bishop Jan Niënhaus was guilty of abuse of boys. The diocese‘s statement comes after a report by the Volkskrant daily newspaper.

The abuse by Auxiliary Bishop [of the Archdiocese of Utrecht] Niënhaus was in the 1950s to the mid 1970s. Several complaints were lodged, the Deetman commission reported in 2011. Four complaints against Niënhaus have been upheld. Niënhaus died in 2000.

See also here.

So, Monsignor Niënhaus’ guilt had already been established in 2011. However, until today the episcopal hierarchy has been silent about that all the time, until today’s Volkskrant report.

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21 thoughts on “Yet another bishop abused children, Roman Catholic church admits

  1. Agree with afsheenanjum, look at Hollywood and all that’s coming out. 😦 People have to stop thinking all adults are safe, because all aren’t. And it can be the most unexpected ways Pedophilia is a big problem in society but we aren’t willing to speak openly about how problematic yet, so children continue getting abused. :-[


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