Tunisian herons nesting, new research

This video says about itself:

Black Crowned Night Herons – Nycticorax nycticorax

REGUA Brazil, September 2011. Juvenile bird followed by adults. A couple of Snowy Egrets as well.

From North African Birds blog:

February 15, 2014 by North African Birds

Ouni, R., Nefla, A., El Hili, A., & Nouira, S. (2011). Les populations d’Ardéidés nicheurs en Tunisie. Alauda, 79 (2): 157–166. PDF


The breeding Ardeidae species of Tunisia.

Nine Ardeidae species breed in Tunisia. About 2,500-3,000 breeding pairs breed each year and more than 12,000 individuals winter. The breeding population includes 8 regular species: Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, Purple Heron Ardea purpurea, Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax, Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis, Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides, Little Egret Egretta garzetta, Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus and Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris (for the latter species, breeding is certain but no nest has been found). The Western Reef Egret Egretta gularis is a casual breeder. The Great Egret Casmerodius albus is present all the year round but no nesting has been found.

Thanks to Ridha Ouni for the article.

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