British warmongers unable to ‘sell’ another Iraq war

This video from London, England is about the big anti-war in Iraq march in February 2003, of over a million people.

Patrick Wintour is a journalist of British daily The Guardian. He often gets sharp criticism for his uncritical writing about Tony Blair and other warmongering politicians.

Today, even Patrck Wintour has to admit there are limits to warmongering.

From the Guardian:

Multicultural Britain rejecting foreign conflict, MoD admits

Exclusive: Repeat of Afghanistan-or-Iraq-style invasion ruled out for war-weary UK, according to senior officials

Patrick Wintour

Wednesday 22 January 2014 21.38 GMT

A growing reluctance in an increasingly multicultural Britain to see UK troops deployed on the ground in future operations abroad is influencing the next two strategic defence reviews, according to senior figures at the Ministry of Defence.

As well as a general war weariness, sources say they have sensed a resistance in an increasingly diverse nation to see British troops deployed in countries from which UK citizens, or their families, once came.

There is also concern that British troops have been seen taking action mainly in Muslim societies.

The MoD is still taking stock of the surprise decision of the House of Commons last summer to reject military intervention to punish President Assad of Syria for the use of chemical weapons against rebel forces.

Another example of Wintour’s uncritical echoing of governmental official “truth”. In fact, even the United States White House admitted they were not sure who exactly used chemical weapons in Syria.

Senior figures believe the rejection of that action was not just the by-product of a political battle between Labour and the government, but revealed deeper-seated long-term trends in British society.

One of the issues raised is improving the recruitment of British officers from minority ethnic communities.

Sources stress that they do not believe that a change in attitudes rules out overseas British intervention, but more will have to be planned on the basis of air and naval activity, rather than large-scale use of troops on the ground.

Future configurations would make the recent intervention in Libya possible, or the kind of relatively small-scale operations recently being undertaken by the French military in Africa last year, but not a repeat of Afghanistan or Iraq.

The sources cite a long-term weariness in the British population and the widespread perception that both Iraq and Afghanistan have not been worthwhile.

David Cameron has said British troops can return from Afghanistan with their heads held high at the end of this year,

Wintour omits that Cameron used the phrase “Mission accomplished”, infamous since Bush used it in 2003 about Iraq.

but polls suggest the war has become increasingly unpopular.

Ministers maintain that this high-level analysis about the decline of British militarism does not mean the army should be reduced further than the cuts due to be announced by the army on Thursday.

Ministers are also bracing themselves for strong criticism, probably this summer, by the marathon inquiry conducted by Sir John Chilcott

The correct spelling is Chilcot, with one t.

over the UK’s conduct in the run-up to the Iraq war in 2003.

Tony Blair has admitted to political allies that he expects it to be revealed that he gave George W Bush strong unequivocal support at a private summit in Texas in April 2002, well before the attack on Iraq, but will point to the fact that he was given an opportunity to draw back from the invasion.

And he did not use that opportunity. For Blair, slavish obedience to Bush, and prospects of getting rich off Iraqi oil after the invasion, counted for more than the British people who rejected the war.

The eventual budgetary health of the MoD may depend on whether the prime minister decides in the next parliament that the budget for health, schools and overseas aid should remain protected, so putting additional pressure on the Whitehall departments that are not protected – notably defence.

The defence secretary, Phillip Hammond, made efforts before the last spending review to blend some of his budget with that of overseas aid, but was repulsed by the very tight international definitions of overseas aid set by agencies such as the OECD.

It is likely that Hammond will press for the definitions to be re-examined or for the Conservative party to lift the ringfence on aid in its manifesto for the 2015 general election.

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15 thoughts on “British warmongers unable to ‘sell’ another Iraq war

  1. Yet they did not listen. We need more people 4 million. But they know it’s coming with the authorisation of water cannon for british police. We are the 99% The Mighty 99%


  2. L’Irak envahit les Etats-Unis

    Eduardo Galeano

    Le 20 mars de l’année 2003, les forces aériennes irakiennes ont bombardé les États-Unis d’Amérique. Dans le sillage de ces bombardements, les troupes irakiennes ont envahi le territoire US. Il y a eu des dommages collatéraux. Beaucoup de civils, la plupart des femmes et des enfants, ont été tués ou mutilés. La guerre était inévitable. La sécurité de l’Irak et de toute l’humanité était menacée par les armes de destruction massive amassées dans les arsenaux US. Il n’y avait aucun fondement, par contre, derrière les rumeurs insidieuses qui suggéraient que l’Irak avait l’intention de garder tout le pétrole de l’Alaska

    Lire l’article l’Irak envahit les Etats-Unis


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