Blair’s ‘Iraq WMD ‘ scandal continues

From British daily The Morning Star:

Emails cast fresh light on ‘dodgy’ dossier concerns

Thursday 12 March 2009

SECRET emails released under the Freedom of Information Act on Thursday cast fresh light on concerns within the intelligence agencies over the government’s notorious “dodgy” dossier on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction.

The emails show that officials had complained that the dossier suggested Saddam Hussein’s biological warfare programme was more advanced than they actually believed was the case.

The officials also complained of “iffy drafting” and mocked the claims made about Iraq’s nuclear programme, suggesting that it was the work of Dr Frankenstein.

The Cabinet Office, which released the documents following a ruling by Information Commissioner Richard Thomas, would not say which agency the unnamed officials worked for, but confirmed that they were in “sensitive posts.”

See also here. And here.

Intelligence made it clear Saddam was not a threat, diplomat tells MPs: here.

IRAQI Women’s League guest speaker Shatha Besarani rejected the occupation forces’ claim that her country was on the road to democracy: here.

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