Prolific Blogger Award, thanks Sage Doyle!

Thank you, Sage Doyle, for nominating Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Prolific Blogger Award!

Here’s what the award stands for: “A prolific blogger is one who is intellectually productive… keeping up an active blog that is filled with enjoyable content.”

I am really honoured that Sage Doyle, with his fine blog on subjects like poetry and prose, nominated my blog for this.

Here are the rules:

1. Every winner of the prolific blogger award pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers [and link to them; and notify them about their nomination at their blogs].

2. Every prolific blogger please link back to the blog from which he/she has received the award.

I try not to nominate the same bloggers all the time for awards. Here are my seven nominees:

1. Imbuteria’s Blog

2. BeeCee

3. FreeBirD

4. Wolfgang’s Powerpoint

5. Denisa Aricescu

6. Simple.Interesting.

7. SOY ASÍ Fotografía

Finally, seven things about me:

1. I was in several countries in Africa.

2. I was in some Asian countries.

3. I was in Antarctica.

4. I was in South America.

5. I was in Canada.

6. I was only ever in the USA for five minutes: the ferry from Vancouver island in Canada to Vancouver city in Canada passes through a bit of US territorial waters. On that ferry, I saw killer whales.

7. I was in eastern Europe.

9 thoughts on “Prolific Blogger Award, thanks Sage Doyle!

  1. Pingback: Prolific Blogger Award, thanks Imbuteria! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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