Homophobic archbishop’s drunken driving

This video from the USA is called San Francisco Archbishop-elect in DUI Arrest.

From Reuters news agency today:

San Francisco archbishop-elect apologizes for drunken driving

By Ronnie Cohen

4 hrs ago

SAN FRANCISCO – The Roman Catholic bishop newly chosen by the Vatican to lead the archdiocese of San Francisco and two other Bay Area counties publicly apologized on Monday after he was arrested and held behind bars over the weekend on suspicion of drunken driving.

Salvatore Cordileone,

Cordileone? Sounds similar to Don Vito Corleone, the mafia boss in the Godfather film. Drunken driving may kill people; like the mafia kills people.

56, appointed in July by Pope Benedict XVI to preside over more than 500,000 Catholics as metropolitan archbishop of San Francisco, was taken into custody on Saturday near San Diego State University, according to the San Diego Police Department.

He was jailed on suspicion of driving under the influence after he was stopped at a police checkpoint and failed a field sobriety test, police spokesman Detective Gary Hassen said. The bishop was released on $2,500 bail, about 11 hours after his arrest, he said.

An arraignment in the case has been scheduled for October 9.

Cordileone is due to be installed at a special mass on October 4 as head of an archdiocese encompassing 91 parishes in San Francisco and the neighboring counties of San Mateo and Marin.

He is replacing Archbishop George Niederauer, who is retiring.

Cordileone has been particularly outspoken in church opposition to same-sex matrimony as chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage, a role that has put him at odds with many Catholics in the largely gay-friendly Bay area.

He also led church support for the 2008 voter-approved California state constitutional amendment, Proposition 8, that banned gay marriage.

LGBTQ people having equal rights to marry does not kill people, contrary to drunken driving.

If Archbishop-elect Cordileone really wants to occupy himself with sexuality, then let him do something against the child abuse by his fellow clergymen.

A Catholic cardinal was arrested for a DUI in Hawaii.

Gay rights campaign group Stonewall crowned the leader of the Catholic church in Scotland Cardinal Keith O’Brien today as “bigot of the year”: here.

Two Jamaican university security guards have been relieved from duty after YouTube footage emerged of a student being badly beaten in front of a baying mob, reportedly because he was gay: here.

13 thoughts on “Homophobic archbishop’s drunken driving

  1. MPs vote for gay marriage

    NEW ZEALAND: MPs cast a first vote in favour of a gay marriage law today by 78 to 40 vote in the first of three ballots Parliament must take before the Bill can become law.

    Should New Zealand pass the measure into law, it would become the 12th country since 2001 to recognise same-sex marriages.

    Polls indicate that about two-thirds of New Zealanders support gay marriage. It also has the support of most of the country’s political leaders.



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  5. Boorish bishops

    What is it that Scotland’s Catholic leaders feel so defensive about that they have to go around being offensive to everyone?
    The new incumbent of the Glasgow Bishopric Philip Tartaglia was rightly slated when he suggested that the late Labour MP David Cairns may have died tragically young because of his gay lifestyle.
    Now his Lanarkshire counterpart Bishop Joseph Devine has weighed in to compare abortion clinics with nazi death camps.
    Bizarrely Bishop Devine went on to accuse Scottish Green Party leader Patrick Harvie of “totalitarian politics” because he “champions the gay agenda.”
    I don’t think I need to make here the case for a woman’s right to choose. Nor for any political figure to champion equal rights.
    But these Scottish bishops appear to be using their own freedom of speech in a very damaging way.
    They’re not just offensive to women, Holocaust victims, non-heterosexuals, equal rights campaigners, Green Party members, Patrick Harvie, and me but many — possibly most — Catholics too.
    The bishops undermine their own credibility in their obsession with — other people’s — sexuality.
    Last weekend the Catholic church in the Australian state of Victoria confirmed that more than 600 children had been sexually abused by its priests since the 1930s. The real total may be many thousands.
    The Archbishop of Melbourne said it was important to be open “about the horrific abuse that has occurred in Victoria and elsewhere.”
    Well, Scotland is elsewhere. Instead of taking mindless swipes against almost everybody else, including many of their own members, about matters of sexuality which are none of their business, let’s hear Scotland’s Catholic leaders use their freedom of speech to face up to their own responsibilities over the very real issue of child sexual abuse in the Catholic church.



  6. Anti-gay Catholic promoted

    Friday 05 October 2012

    Drink-driving offender and homophobe Salvatore Joseph Cordileone was installed as Roman Catholic archbishop of San Francisco with great pomp and ceremony on Thursday.

    Archbishop Cordileone, wearing gold and red robes with a matching mitre, told invited guests that he was grateful for the messages of support following his August 25 arrest for drink driving.

    The support, however, was not unanimous.

    As he spoke, gay rights activists gathered outside St Mary’s cathedral to oppose his induction.

    Archbishop Cordileone was one of the early engineers of California’s ban on same-sex marriage in 2008 and chairs the US conference of Catholic bishops subcommittee charged with opposing gay unions.



  7. In November, ballot campaigns in favor of marriage equality won the support of voters in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington.

    But Roman Catholic Church leaders spent $2 million to defeat those campaigns. Barbara Servino, an outraged Catholic mom, is sending an impassioned letter to Timothy Dolan, the top Catholic bishop in the U.S.

    Will you co-sign Barbara’s letter today?

    Thanks for all you do!

    Bob Fertik
    Human Rights Campaign

    Dear friend,

    My mother is amazing. She’s had my back from the second I came out to her – and long before that.

    When she heard that the leaders of our Roman Catholic Church had spent $2 million on anti-gay marriage ballot campaigns in this election, she wrote a letter to the top Catholic bishop in the U.S., sticking up for people like me. I think it’s a message he desperately needs to hear.

    If you agree with what she’s saying – whether or not you’re Catholic – add your name to the letter and pass it along. (We’re going to deliver the letter to Cardinal Dolan in the next week, so act quickly!)

    To: His Eminence Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York

    Your Eminence,

    I’ve been going to Catholic mass almost every week since I was a little girl. My aunts and uncles are nuns and priests. My husband was a member of the Knights of Columbus. We raised our kids in our parish community and sent them to Catholic schools. Catholicism is more than just a belief for me – it’s a deep seed of my identity.

    And it has always taught me that God made us all, and loves us all the same. The same way I try to love all my kids. That’s why, when my incredible son told me he was gay, it didn’t change my love for him one bit.

    He’s always my child.

    That’s why I was outraged to learn that the leadership of our Church just spent $2 million on anti-gay marriage ballot campaigns. Think of all the positive things that $2 million could have accomplished. Think of the hungry fed, the sick comforted, the homeless sheltered. Instead you chose to use parishioners’ donations like mine to divide and discriminate.

    Catholicism teaches us to love one another – not to attack our sons and daughters for simply wanting to make lifelong commitments and start families. You won’t have to ever marry a same-sex couple, but it makes no sense to deny them the right to be married under the law. And your parishioners aren’t going to stand for it much longer.

    I think it’s time we all got on the right side of history. I hope you do, too.

    I hope you’ll join my mom and add your name to the letter now. We each have to speak up and make a clear case for equality, whether or not we’re Roman Catholic. In the next election, Church leaders could decide to pour even more money into anti-gay ballot campaigns if we don’t speak out now.

    We’re going to send the letters along later this week.

    Thanks for taking a stand.

    James Servino

    Online Advocacy Manager


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