Victory for bigotry in India

This video from India says about itself:

The Babri Masjid, named after the founder of the Mughal Empire, Babur, was demolished by a mob of 150,000 Hindutva fascists in 1992. Thousands of people, mainly Muslims were killed following the demolition.

This is an interesting and rare video recorded in 1991, a year before the demolition, it digs into the background of the dispute and its origins.

By Sarath Kumara and Keith Jones:

Indian High Court abets Hindu supremacists with Babri Masjid ruling

2 October 2010

In a shameful decision that legitimizes Hindu supremacist ideology and violence, the Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court ruled Thursday that the site of the razed Babri Masjid mosque in Ayodhya should be divided three ways, with two-thirds of the land, including the most hotly contested portion, awarded to Hindu communalist and fundamentalist organizations. Under the ruling, the Sunni (Muslim) Central Board of Waqfs will be given title to a third of the land.

In December 1992, thousands of right-wing Hindu activists mobilized by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), then as now India’s Official Opposition, the VHP (World Hindu Council), and other members of the so-call sangh parivar (RSS network) tore down the 450 year-old mosque, triggering the most deadly wave of communal violence in India since the 1947 communal partition of the subcontinent. At least 2,000 and possibly as many as 3,000 people, most of them poor Muslims, were killed.

The destruction of the mosque was the culmination of a foul nationwide campaign led by BJP leader Lal Advani in which it was claimed that replacing the Babri Masjid with a temple to the mythical Hindu god Lord Ram was necessary to demonstrate the dominance of Hindus and Hindu culture in India.

The destruction of the mosque took place in plain view of thousands of security personnel who had effectively been ordered to stand down by the BJP state government of Uttar Pradesh, although it had been expressly ordered by India’s Supreme Court to protect the Babri Masjid. The Congress Party, which formed India’s national government in 1992, also failed to take action to prevent the razing of the Babri Masjid, using the excuse that under ordinary circumstances the states are constitutionally responsible for public order.

The BJP subsequently came to power in 1998 at the head of a multi-party coalition and for six years led the pro-business and pro-US National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government. But due to the opposition of many of its NDA allies—regional- and caste-based parties who claim to be votaries of secularism and opponents of the BJP’s chauvinist Ramjanmabhoomi campaign—the BJP was unable to act on its electoral pledge to build a Ram temple on the ashes of the Babri Masjid.

Nevertheless, the BJP and the Hindu right have continued to proclaim the building of a Hindu temple at Ayodhya a major national cause.

Cobrapost, an Indian investigative news website and television production house, has provided new evidence that demonstrates the 1992 razing of the historic Babri Masjid was a carefully planned act of vandalism organized by Hindu communalist organizations with the knowledge and approval of top leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): here.

The Commonwealth Games, scheduled to begin on October 3 in Delhi, pose a major crisis for the Indian elite: here.

Indian army general praises instigator of 2002 Gujarat pogrom: here.

An American informant had a high-level role in the preparation of the December 2008 [Mumbai] assault, in which 166 people were killed by bullets and grenades: here.

Mayaben Kodnani, a sitting state legislator and former minister in Gujarat’s BJP government, and thirty others have been convicted by a so-called “fast track” court for the brutal massacre of 97 Muslims more than ten years ago in the Naroda-Patiya locality of Gujarat’s capital, Amhedabad: here.

New York is not the only city divided over the building of a mosque. In the French Mediterranean port of Marseille, a large mosque is under construction. Even though the cornerstone has already been laid, the project is far from being accepted by everyone: here.

With ruling on razed mosque. India’s Supreme Court validates Hindu supremacist violence: here.

16 thoughts on “Victory for bigotry in India

  1. Petrol increase draws protest

    India: The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) urged the central government today to scrap deregulation in petrol pricing after state oil companies bumped up prices twice in the past three weeks.

    “By deregulating petrol pricing, the government has opened the way for successive hikes in prices,” the CPI-M politburo said.

    Calling for greater transparency in economic decision making, it warned that those suffering from continuous food inflation would be even harder hit.


  2. INDIA: A woman in north-east India reached 10 years on hunger strike today.Irom Sharmila began to refuse food and water on November 4 2000 in protest at the Armed Forces Special Powers Act which allows the military to arrest or kill anyone suspected of being a rebel. Her action was in response to soldiers killing 10 civilians at a bus stop.She was arrested shortly afterwards.She is still alive because Manipur state authorities have been force-feeding her through her nose.


  3. Court suspends holy site ruling

    INDIA: A New Delhi court has suspended a ruling that divided a holy site in Ayodha between Hindus and Muslims.

    The Supreme Court suspended the September decision by a lower court that the site of the Babri Mosque should be split, with the Muslim community getting control of one-third and two Hindu groups splitting the rest.

    Tens of thousands of Hindu extremists ripped the mosque apart in 1992.
    The demolition sparked nationwide riots that killed 2,000 people.


  4. BJP tells disgraced minister to go

    INDIA: The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) asked the chief minister of Karnataka state — a party member — to resign today after an anti-corruption panel indicted him and hundreds of other officials for taking millions in bribes.

    Party spokeswoman Nirmala Seetharamam said: “BS Yeddyurappa has been asked to resign and a new leader will be chosen in his place.”

    The corruption probe had recommended that he face prosecution for handing out mining contracts in return for bribes.


  5. Pingback: Sri Lankan anti-Muslim sectarian violence | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Pingback: Islamophobia, a million dollar industry | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  7. Pingback: Indian anti-rape update | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  8. Indian judicial system driven by Hindutva

    Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), India

    We condemn the Indian government in the strongest possible terms for hanging Mohammad Afzal Guru at Tihar Jail in a dastardly manner. The process of his arrest, trial, his sentencing by the lower court and the upholding of the death sentence by the Supreme Court, the rejection of his petition to the president, denial of his right to a judicial review of this rejection, and finally his secret hanging – all point towards the farcical nature of Indian judiciary and the complicity of the entire present political system in persecuting political dissidents.


  9. Socialists quit NDA alliance in protest

    INDIA: Socialist party Janata Dal (United) left the opposition National Democratic Alliance today after Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi was picked to head the group.

    Janata Dal head Sharad Yadav said that Mr Modi, of Hindu nationalist party BJP, was unsuitable as he is accused of turning a blind eye to anti-Muslim riots in 2002 that left over 1,000 people dead.


  10. Pingback: Indian court re-activates British colonial anti-LGBTQ law | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  11. FANATICAL Muslims don’t get along with other religions.

    Just like FANATICAL Hindus in India kill Christians:

    Hindu fundamentalist massacres of Indian Christians

    Fanatical Buddhists kill Muslims:

    Genocide of Rohingya in Myanmar

    Sri Lankan anti-Muslim sectarian violence

    Fanatical Buddhists hate Christians:

    Fanatical Christians hate Muslims:

    Non-Muslim PTSD soldier kills, Islamophobe calls for massacring Muslims

    “Kill an Afghan Muslim for Christ”

    New York Islamophobe murders Hindu

    Fanatical Christians hate secularists:

    Dutch pro-choice government minister Els Borst, murdered by fanatical Christian

    Fanatical Christians hate Jews, etc.


  12. Pingback: Neo-nazi ideology, from Savitri Devi to Steve Bannon | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  13. In a few days, India will delete as many as 7 million Muslims in Assam State from its master list of “citizens” because they speak the wrong language and worship the wrong God.

    Husbands, wives, and children could be torn apart and left to rot in prison camps.

    This is how genocides begin – how the nightmare of the Rohingya began. But it’s all unfolding quietly — if we raise a massive alarm calling for the UN Secretary-General and key governments to intervene – we can stop this horror before it starts:

    Raise the Alarm

    The Assam government has already begun quietly building another new prison camp and deploying troops.

    Like the Burmese regime that attacked the Rohingya, the government claims they’re acting against illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. But the vast majority of the people targeted are just poor, illiterate Muslim citizens without “proper” documentation. They’ve never needed it before!

    António Guterres, the Secretary General of the UN, has pledged to fight on behalf of those who can’t: “I will raise my voice. I will take action. I will use my rights to stand up for your rights.” We need to hold him to those words because right now the Bengali Muslims in India have no one to speak for them on the global stage — except us. Sign the petition below and together we can stop a road to genocide in Assam:

    Raise the Alarm

    The rise of virulent Hindu nationalism in India is behind this aggressive move to render millions of Muslims stateless and vulnerable. History teaches us that these movements know no limits except the ones citizens set for them. Let’s draw a line in Assam, and send a message to governments everywhere – we’re watching.

    With hope and determination,

    Emma, Nate, Ricken, Antonia, Flora, Alice, Wissam, Danny and the entire Avaaz team

    More information:

    More than 7 million people, including 2.9 million married women, asked to prove citizenship as part of massive exercise (Al Jazeera)

    Stateless in Assam (The Indian Express)

    Assam CM: No fundamental rights for those failing NRC tests (Times of India)

    The dark side of humanity and legality: A glimpse inside Assam’s detention centres for ‘foreigners’ (

    With final NRC draft to be released in 20 days, Assam witnessing rise in suicides (NewsClick)

    Assam seeks 150 companies of central forces ahead of next NRC publication (The Economic Times)


  14. Pingback: Pittsburg synagogue anti-Semitic massacre, its context | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  15. Pingback: Indian religious right violence against women, Gandhi statue | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  16. Pingback: Big Indian, Bangladeshi workers’ strikes | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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