Mussolini’s anti-Semitism

This video is called Italians Goosestep For Hitler Version A (1938).

From Haaretz daily in Israel:


Mussolini: I’ll build an island and put all the Jews there’

By Haaretz Service

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was a rabid anti-Semite who called Adolf Hitler “a big romantic” and despised the pope, a new book of his mistress Claretta Petacci’s diaries revealed, AFP reported on Monday.

The Corriere della Sera daily reportedly published extracts of the book “Secret Mussolini,” taken from diaries written between 1932 and 1938, on Monday two days before it hits Italian book shops.

While on a boating trip on August 4, 1938, Mussolini talked about the German dictator’s new anti-Semitic laws with his mistress, saying “I’ve been racist since 1921,” according to AFP.

“I don’t know how they can think that I’m imitating Hitler, he wasn’t born yet…” he was quoted as saying. “We must give Italians a feeling of race so that they don’t create half-castes, so that they don’t spoil what is beautiful about us.”

Two months later, on October 11, Mussolini is again at sea with Petacci, when he was quoted as saying: “Those bloody Jews, they should be destroyed … I’ll build an island and put them all there… They don’t even have any gratitude, recognition, not even a letter of thanks… They say we need them, their money, their help.”

Mussolini’s regime was generally considered less ideologically extreme than that of Hitler, who created concentration camps during the Holocaust to exterminate what he considered “inferior” people and races, including Jews.

On October 1, 1938, after the Munich Conference that gave Hitler a slice of Czechoslovakia, Mussolini tells his mistress that “the Fuhrer is very nice. Hitler is a big romantic at heart. When he saw me he had tears in his eyes. He really likes me a lot,” AFP reported.

74 thoughts on “Mussolini’s anti-Semitism

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  4. The Automaton by Paolo Ventura (Dewi Lewis) is a deeply moving story for children and adults narrated through a series of engrossing colour plates and accompanied by a laconic text.

    It takes place in 1940s fascist Italy, where an old Jewish watchmaker ekes out a living in the dilapidated, bleak and deserted ghetto of Venice.

    An antipodal world to that of Canaletto’s paintings, it’s enveloped in a menacing fog that blurs every contour and deadens all colour. To relieve his solitude the old man builds himself a human-shaped robotic companion – the eponymous automaton – and forms a one-sided but profound emotional bond with his creation.

    There is a sense of resignation and fatalism in the watchmaker’s patient wait and it culminates with the Italian fascist military clearing the ghetto of its remaining inhabitants. The ending is a liberating though melancholic affirmation of humanity, warts and all.

    That’s perhaps not surprising as the book is dedicated to Primo Levi.


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