New Attenborough TV series about reptiles and amphibians

This video is about Komodo dragons, the largest lizards in the world. They live in Indonesia.

From Wildlife Extra:

Life In Cold Blood

Sir David Attenborough brings viewers the final chapter of his epic overview of life on Earth as he transforms perceptions of cold-blooded animals in this landmark BBC One series Life In Cold Blood.

Reptiles and amphibians are sometimes thought of as slow, dim-witted and primitive,’ says David. ‘In fact they can be lethally fast, spectacularly beautiful, surprisingly affectionate and extremely sophisticated.’

David first brought viewers Life On Earth, then The Private Life Of Plants, followed by The Life Of Birds, The Life Of Mammals and Life In The Undergrowth.

The Very Latest In Filming Technology

Now, using the very latest in filming technology from the BBC’s world-renowned Natural History Unit – including ultra-high-speed, thermal, miniature and on-board cameras – David reveals the surprising and intimate lives of the cold-blooded reptiles and amphibians, discovering the secret of their success. They have ruled the Earth for nearly 200 million years and, today, there are well over 14,000 species.

Thermal imaging [like in Life in Cold Blood]: A closer look at London Zoo: photos here.

The Augrabies Flat Lizard (Platysaurus broadleyi), a star of Sir David Attenborough’s recent series Life in Cold Blood, adds another twist to its tale. A team of South African and Australian researchers have discovered that some males of this dramatically coloured lizard mimic females during early maturity and thereby avoid the costs of broadcasting their masculinity: here.

Researcher Finds Tailless Lizards Lose Agility: here.

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