US Bush administration plans to treat bird flu patients like enemies

Bush and bird brain flu, cartoonBy Kevin Mitchell:

Possible flu pandemic: US government plans to treat sick people “like potential enemies”

19 January 2008

The Bush administration’s emergency plan for a possible flu pandemic involves essentially police-state methods that have nothing to do with effectively combating the illness.

This was the finding of a report released by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) January 14 that criticized the government’s preparations for a pandemic. The study outlined how federal agencies have been adopting an increasingly heavy-handed approach toward what should be considered a public health problem.

Talking about medical issues: Another belated disclosure from the pharmaceutical industry. Cholesterol-lowering drug linked to increased risk of heart attack.

2 thoughts on “US Bush administration plans to treat bird flu patients like enemies

  1. Posted by: “frankofbos”

    Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:56 pm (PST)

    Bush’s Contempt for Taxpayers: Your Money to Big Pharma & Insurance
    Companies – Bush History, 11/13

    Bush shows typical disregard for taxpayers, arranging costly deals that
    needlessly benefit his friends in big pharma & the insurance industry,
    making his already costly Part D drug benefit even more expensive.
    Also, related Bushisms.

    Today’s category: Bushisms, Corruption/Conflicts of Interest, Deficit
    Mismanagement, The Corporation’s Yes Man


  2. Pingback: ‘European Union blames migratory birds unfairly for bird flu’ | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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