Honduran dictators kill three pro democracy demonstrators

This video says about itself:

Solidarity with Honduras

27 June 2010

A year ago, a coup d´état led by R. Micheletti militarily toppled the democratically elected government of president Mabuel Zelaya.

Since then, hundreds of activists, journalists, students, have been killed or jailed, and thousands have been repressed.

In different cities in Australia and around the world, people are saying NO! to the coup in Honduras, and call for democracy to come back for our brothers and sisters in Honduras.

Speak out for Honduras!
Friday June 25,
5pm, stairs of Flinders St. Station, Melbourne

Honduras under dictatorship

On the 28th of June 2009 the democratically elected President of Honduras was illegally removed from office in a military coup. Since then the military dictatorship has received military and economic aid from the US and it has consolidated itself in power using brutal state terrorism. All community and independent media has been shut down or censored. Thousands of people have been jailed, tortured or killed for speaking out against this dictatorship including 9 journalists and 3 judges.

The Australian government has yet to condemn the coup.

From British daily The Morning Star:

Honduras state forces get heavy handed

Monday 06 July 2009

Police soldiers have blanketed the streets of Tegucigalpa, enforcing a sunset-to-sunrise curfew with batons and metal poles a day after the military had prevented President Manuel Zelaya from returning.

Mr Zelaya landed in Nicaragua last night after soldiers thwarted his attempt to return home by parking military vehicles on the runway.

Soldiers clashed with over a hundred thousand civilians, who had gathered at the airport to welcome back their ousted premier, leaving three people dead, according to local press reports.

Speaking to the progressive Telesur TV network over the phone from the plane, Mr Zelaya said: “Faced with this situation, we have to proceed with what we had planned, which is the immediate reunion with the remaining members of the Organisation of American States, the other presidents who are here in the area to see what solutions we can find.”

OAS secretary-general Jose Miguel Insulza and Presidents Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina, Rafael Correa of Ecuador and Fernando Lugo of Paraguay met Mr Zelaya in El Salvador later to show their support for him.

See also here. And here. And here.

In Honduras, a media crackdown: here.

Protests in Australia against coup in Honduras: here. In Hungary: here.

Update 8 July 2009: here.

Paraguay: Land reform push amid coup threat: here.

2 thoughts on “Honduran dictators kill three pro democracy demonstrators

  1. Honduras: (Updated July 3) Solidarity and left movements condemn
    coup, demand elected president be returned to power

    Below are just some of the statements released by solidarity groups,
    left parties and governments, and international organisations demanding
    the return to power of Honduras’ elected presidet Manuel Zelaya.

    * Read more http://links.org.au/node/1130


  2. Pingback: Honduran two-year-old girl cries because of Trump’s Border Patrol | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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