Racist, sexist massacres Asian women, Atlanta, USA

This 17 March 2020 video about the USA says about itself:

Robert Aaron Long, a White Supremacist with ‘passion for guns & God‘ arrested after 8 Asians killed

#AtlantaShootings​: Suspect, 21, with ‘passion for guns and God‘ arrested after eight killed.. 6 Asian women, 1 White man & 1 White woman at three separate massage parlors in a span of 1 hour

White supremacist propaganda nearly doubled in 2020 to most in a decade, ADL says: here.

A 17 March 2020 video about the USA used to say about itself:

At least eight people have been killed in a series of shootings at three Atlanta area massage parlors. Authorities described a number of victims as women of Asian descent. A 21-year-old man, Robert Aaron Long, has been taken into custody. The first shooting occurred at Young’s Asian Massage near Acworth in Cherokee county, just north-west of Atlanta. Police officers responded to a reported robbery at Gold Spa in the city’s north-east and were then alerted to another shooting across the street at the Aromatherapy Spa.

This 17 March 2020 video about the USA says about itself:

All but one of the people killed were women and six of them were Asians.

First, I wish strength and healing for the surviving relatives and friends of this heinous mass murder.

This massacre is a consequence of preceding anti-Asian racism and misogyny. Ever since then United States President Donald Trump started an anti-China witchhunt to deflect anger about his mismanagement of the coronavirus disaster, with a little help of the Rupert Murdoch media empire, there came a wave of racism and violence against people of (perceived) Chinese or other Asian ancestry. In the USA, also in other countries like Britain and the Netherlands. Similarly, the anti-women stance of the Trump administration also likely influenced this Georgia, USA mass killer Long.

CHINA PARANOIA FUELS ANTI-ASIAN RACISM Former President Trump spent years demonizing China and perpetuating anti-Asian sentiments. Joe Biden condemned anti-Asian racism in his first speech as president and signed an executive order, but his administration continues to mostly describe China as a threat — language that could be dangerous for Asian Americans. [HuffPost]

MASSAGE SPA MASSACRE NEAR ATLANTA At least eight people, including six of Asian descent, were killed during three shootings at massage spas in the Atlanta area. Police arrested 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long, of Woodstock, Georgia. While there still aren’t concrete details about the killer’s motive, the country has seen a “documented pattern of recent attacks against our community,” said Stop AAPI Hate, a collective of advocacy organizations for Asian American and Pacific Islander people. [HuffPost]

‘BAD DAY’ COP PROMOTED RACISM Capt. Jay Baker, a spokesperson for the Cherokee County sheriff’s office, said the man charged with the Atlanta shootings wasn’t motivated by race. But HuffPost verified that Baker has used his Facebook account to promote merchandise that demonized the Asian community over the coronavirus. [HuffPost]

INCIDENTS OF ANTI-ASIAN RACISM SOAR For more than a year, Asian Americans have faced an alarming deluge of racist attacks and harassment, such as being shunned, spit on and denied services. While the current wave of racism is tied to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s one chapter of a long history of racism and discrimination against Asian Americans, writes HuffPost’s Marina Fang. [HuffPost]

I’m Asian. I’ve spent the last year in constant fear of attack.

TERROR TEARS THROUGH ASIAN AMERICAN COMMUNITIES A white gunman was charged Wednesday with killing eight people at three Atlanta-area massage spas in an attack that sent terror through the Asian American community, which has increasingly been targeted during the pandemic. The shootings appear to be at the “intersection of gender-based violence, misogyny and xenophobia,” said Georgia state Rep. Bee Nguyen. [AP]

HOW TO HELP Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, Asian Americans have reported being targeted in nearly 4,000 hate incidents nationwide. If you want to help, first recognize that the community is under attack, and then take action. Activists and advocates share eight things you can do to help the community as an ally. [HuffPost]

3 thoughts on “Racist, sexist massacres Asian women, Atlanta, USA

  1. Dear Linda,

    Over the past year, we have seen a surge of violence against members of the Asian American community, from elders struck while walking down the street to racist slurs graffitied on Asian restaurants.1,2 And yesterday, these hate crimes escalated in a mass shooting in Atlanta, Ga., in which a misogynist white supremacist killed eight people, six of them Asian women.3

    Our hearts are broken, yet again, by such senseless violence. The United States has a long history of allowing and abetting violence against Asian American and Pacific Islander people. Asian Americans have a long history of being scapegoated and harmed with violence sanctioned by our government, from the Japanese internment camps to allowing fires to burn down the Chinatown in Honolulu.4 But today, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the amplification of racist lies targeting the Asian American community via social media and Donald Trump’s bully pulpit, combined with misogynist and exploitative views of women as well as the easy access to firearms in the U.S., directly contributed to this act of violence.

    As we all continue to process and unpack the compounding factors in play in this moment, we wanted to share some resources for our community to learn and take action:

    Learn: Read up on the rising tide of violence against Asian Americans, and especially Asian American women, as well as the long history of anti-Asian discrimination in America

    Follow: Many organizations are doing the work of organizing against white supremacy in Asian American communities, including @StopAAPIHate, @AAAJ_AAJC, @NAPAWF, and @18millionrising.

    Take action: You can donate to Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta, an organization that protects the civil and human rights of Asian Americans in Georgia and the Southeast. You can also support Red Canary Song, a grassroots collective of Asian and migrant sex workers. Finally, you can attend a bystander intervention training hosted by Hollaback! and Asian Americans Advancing Justice.

    Yesterday’s events were a painful moment in a long, painful history of white supremacist and misogynist violence in our country. It is also a reminder that white supremacy and misogyny hurts us all, regardless of our skin color or gender. But through our work together, as a community, we can work to tear white supremacy and misogyny out by the roots from our society.

    Thank you for taking action!

    –Shaunna, Kathy, Melody, Lindsay, Sonja, Kimberly, Maria, Elisa, KaeLyn, KD, Iris, Bridget, and Katie, the UltraViolet team


    1. Covid fueled anti-Asian racism. Now elderly Asian Americans are being attacked, The Washington Post, February 9, 2021

    2. San Antonio Community Rallies Around Ramen Restaurant Defaced With Racist Graffiti, NBC 4 New York, March 16, 2021

    3. Atlanta Shooting Suspect Charged in Spa Shooting, NPR, March 17, 2021

    4. Anti-Asian violence has surged in the US since COVID-19. But it didn’t start there, Today, March 6, 2021


  2. Pingback: Murderous anti-Asian racism in the USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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