Macron’s violent deputy chief of staff, ‘cronyism’ scandal

This French video shows Alexandre Benalla, crony of President Macron, violently attacking May Day marchers, playing at being a policeman, which he is not.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Police boss: case of Macron bodyguard has to do with cronyism politics

Alexandre Benalla is not just any bodyguard. He is/was Macron’s Deputy Chief of Staff.

The case of President Macron’s violent bodyguard is the “consequence of unacceptable and objectionable individual irregularities against a background of harmful cronyism politics“.

That said the Paris police chief Michel Delpuech in his testimony to the French parliament’s commission of inquiry. …

Beating to a pulp

Delpuech also said he did not know that Macron‘s security right-hand man Alexandre Benalla was there on the 1st of May demonstration. That day Benalla pretended to be a riot policeman, he beat a student to a pulp and to the ground. Just before that, he grabbed a female demonstrator in her neck and drove her away violently.

Officially, Benalla was an observer at the demonstration, but by wearing a police bracelet, helmet, telephone and badge, he pretended to be a riot policeman.

Tour de France

President Macron has canceled his visit to the Tour de France cycling race next Wednesday because of the case. …

This morning, Interior Minister Gérard Collomb said during his hearing that he was “unaware” and that it was a matter between the police and the president.

Macron under pressure to say why aide’s brutality went unreported. French president has offered no reason why Alexandre Benalla remained in Élysée role after attack: here.