‘Stop deporting refugees to Afghan war’

This video says about itself:

Desperate journeys: Afghan refugee children suffer from malnutrition

4 November 2016

Aid workers in Greece are increasingly concerned about Afghan refugees who are hiding from the police. They’re refusing to go into official camps, because they’re worried they’ll be deported under a deal between the European Union and Afghanistan.

Some refugee children are suffering from malnutrition.

Al Jazeera’s Laurence Lee reports from the Greece-Macedonia border.

From Dutch NOS TV, 15 June 2018:

Afghanistan unsafe, NGOs argue against deportation of refugees

Large parts of Afghanistan are unstable and unsafe, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs writes in an official report. This is important for the immigration authorities’ assessment of asylum applications by Afghans. …

Corruption, a climate of impunity, ineffective government and a weak constitutional state combined with the often unsafe situation mean that the Afghan authorities are generally not able to protect the population against violence”, says the report.


Twelve human rights and children’s rights organizations, so-called NGOs, want the Netherlands to stop deporting refugees to Afghanistan, they emphasize in response to the report. “It is irresponsible to continue with the deportations.”

“This puts many lives, including those of children, at great risk,” says director of the Dutch Council for Refugees Dorine Manson on behalf of the twelve organizations. They includes Unicef ​​Netherlands, Oxfam Novib and Save the Children. A third of the victims of last year’s attacks were children.

Nearly two-thirds of asylum applications by Afghans were rejected last year. The Netherlands is therefore harsh compared to other countries in Europe. The European average is just over half.