Betsy DeVos, Trump’s fraudulently rich Miseducation Secretary

This video from the USA says about itself:

Betsy DeVos Caught Getting Rich From FRAUD

15 May 2018

Betsy DeVos is busy getting rich from for-profit colleges. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, host of The Young Turks, break it down.

“Investigators at a special team at the Education Department have been reassigned, sidelined or told to concentrate on other work, current and former employees told the Times. The department has been whittled down from more than a dozen to just three people, who have been assigned to paperwork regarding student loan forgiveness.

Betsy DeVos‘ decision to gut investigation into for-profit colleges is a disgrace”, said Cody Hounanian of “Years of work at the Department of Education uncovered fraud and abuse at all levels of the for-profit college industry. Yet the Education Secretary wants to hamstring this vital work.”

US education secretary attacks separation of church and state: here.

ICE QUEEN DEVOS Education Secretary Betsy DeVos thinks it is perfectly fine to have schools call Immigration and Customs Enforcement on their undocumented students, even though the Supreme Court has ruled that all children ― undocumented or not ― are entitled to a free public education. [HuffPost]

As President Donald Trump’s secretary of education, Betsy DeVos has rolled back Obama-era protections for trans students, women and victims of sexual violence. On Friday, HuffPost’s Rebecca Klein broke the news that LGBTQ employees of the Department of Education confronted DeVos in a meeting last year. We asked Klein about her story: here.

On June 29, US District Judge Stephen Murphy III dismissed the class action lawsuit Gary B. v. Snyder filed on behalf of a group of Detroit students and their parents against the state of Michigan officials asserting that there is no constitutional right to literacy. The 2016 suit charged Michigan state officials, including Governor Rick Snyder and State Superintendent of Schools Brian Whiston, with denying Detroit schoolchildren “access to literacy” stemming from chronic underfunding, mismanagement and discrimination: here.

16 thoughts on “Betsy DeVos, Trump’s fraudulently rich Miseducation Secretary

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