Coronavirus worldwide news

This 21 April 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Tea Party 2.0? Reopen Government Protests Linked To Right-Wing Donors

The ongoing protests endanger public health, but are supported by Trump and may be funded by right-wing donors.

Donors like the billionaire DeVos family of Trump’s Secretary of Miseducation Betsy DeVos; and the Koch brothers.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain, 21 April 2020:

Trump was given ‘realtime updates’ over Covid-19 as the pandemic developed

US SCIENTISTS at the World Health Organisation (WHO) headquarters gave US President Donald Trump “real-time updates” about the emergence and spread of coronavirus in China in late 2019, undermining his claims that the organisation covered up information in the early stages of what became a pandemic.

More than a dozen health experts working for the WHO in Geneva relayed regular information to Mr Trump about Covid-19, US and international officials have confirmed.

The Washington Post has reported that many of the US team of researchers, physicians and public-health experts worked for the centres for disease control & prevention (CDC) at the global health body and were based there when the virus was first discovered in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

By Steve Sweeney, 21 April 2020:

Chile’s teachers vow to defend health of workers and students in defiance of government plans to reopen schools

CHILEAN teaching unions have vowed to protect the health of students, teachers and all other workers in the country’s education system in defiance of government plans to reopen schools from next week.

The College Professors of Chile (CPC) union said that measures announced by right-wing President Sebastien Pinera were irresponsible and risked the health of 3.6 million students, 200,000 teachers, 200,000 assistants and the administrative workers in schools, academies and colleges.

Mr Pinera said on Sunday that schools would reopen and some public-sector workers would start a gradual return to work as he outlined plans for the resumption of some social and economic activities.

By Steve Sweeney, 21 April 2020:

Strike for the right to life on May 1, Turkish unions urged

TURKISH trade unions have been urged to co-ordinate strike action on May 1 to demand the right to life and paid leave after the government allowed workers to be furloughed for three months without wages.

Former Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Figen Yuksekdag’s Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) insisted that strikes have never been more necessary as thousands face poverty and starvation thanks to the government’s emergency measures agreed last week.

While layoffs are banned for three months under the plans, workers can be sent home on unpaid leave and are only able to access benefits of 1,117 lira (£130) per month or a payment of 39 lira (£4.50) per day.

2 thoughts on “Coronavirus worldwide news

  1. It’s now been 14 weeks since the first coronavirus case was detected in the U.S., and Donald Trump STILL hasn’t used his authority to get health care workers the protective equipment they need.

    Nurses, doctors, and other health care workers are being forced to risk their own lives and health by re-using masks, gloves, and gowns, and most hospitals have less than a week of supply remaining.1

    Who will take care of the sick and dying when the health care heroes–the majority of whom are women–get sick themselves?

    The only reason Trump can get away with this is because Senate Republicans are backing him up. So we are launching a social media ad campaign in the states of Republican senators up for re-election this fall highlighting real-life stories from nurses working on the frontlines without personal protective equipment.

    Will you donate $5 to help launch this ad campaign and get health care workers the protective equipment they need?

    When nurses, doctors, and other health care workers don’t have the masks, gloves, and gowns to protect themselves, they put their own lives and health at risk, as well as their family and loved ones.

    And we’ve seen the outcome: Nurses and doctors themselves getting sick and, in some cases, dying from the coronavirus.2

    But Trump still has failed to use his authority under the Defense Production Act to order U.S. industries to produce the medical supplies we need. That’s why the majority of hospitals have already run out of protective equipment or have less than a week of supply left.

    Of all Trumps’ failures during the coronavirus pandemic–and there have been so many–none is more shameful than his failure to provide health care workers on the frontlines with the basic protective equipment they need.

    Right now, according to #GetUsPPE, the organization started by physicians and medical researchers on the frontlines of the pandemic, health care workers need 500 million N95 respirators, 200 million medical ventilators, 20 million face shields, 500 million pairs of gloves, and 20 million surgical gowns.3

    Donate now to help launch the UltraViolet ad campaign demanding personal protective equipment for health care workers on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Congress is debating a new coronavirus relief bill this week, and it must provide protective equipment for health care workers on the frontlines of the pandemic. To get that done, we need at least a few Senate Republicans to break from Trump.

    That’s why we’re launching this ad campaign aimed at the most vulnerable Republicans up for re-election this fall. Several of them are already in deep trouble politically, and by highlighting examples of health care workers in their states putting their lives at risk, we can put overwhelming pressure on them to finally stand up to Trump and do the right thing.

    We’ve already heard from nearly 5,000 UltraViolet members who are health care workers, and we’re taking these stories to show vulnerable senators, Cory Gardner and Susan Collins, how nurses in their states are suffering. And with your help, we’ll use these stories to create powerful social media ads to pressure Republican senators to act now.

    But we can’t do it without your help.

    Will you donate $5 to help launch UltraViolet’s online ad campaign demanding personal protective equipment for health care workers on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic?

    –Shaunna, Kat, Kathy, Anathea, Sonja, Melody, Lindsay, Pam, Maria, Kimberly, and Katie, the UltraViolet Action team



    1. Healthcare workers protest for vital protection equipment, CNBC, April 18, 2020

    2. Nurses, surgeons, janitors: the first US health workers to die from Covid-19, The Guardian, April 15, 2020

    3. Call on your elected leaders to start making the Personal Protective Equipment healthcare workers need.,, accessed April 21, 2020


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