Sanders opposes Saudi war on Yemen, Mattis supports it

This video from the USA says about itself:

Sanders Resolution Against War in Yemen Challenged by Mattis

United States President Donald Trump‘s Secretary of ‘Defence‘, General ‘mad dog’ Mattis

15 March 2018

Senators introduced legislation that would undermine the Sanders-Lee resolution to stop US support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. “They’re trying to provide cover for just a handful of senators so they can vote for this instead of the Sanders Lee bill”, says CEPR‘s Mark Weisbrot.

22 thoughts on “Sanders opposes Saudi war on Yemen, Mattis supports it

  1. Pingback: Saudi attacks on Yemeni civilian homes | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Pro-peace rally in the USA, elsewhere | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. There is an appalling humanitarian crisis happening in Yemen. Thousands of Yemeni children are dying due to the Saudi-led air war, which has been carried out with U.S. military participation — even though Congress never authorized a war.

    We must stop our government from backing conflicts in the Middle East. The U.S. should not help the corrupt and authoritarian Saudi regime wage an unjust war on the people of Yemen. We can’t let the Trump administration get away with massive military interventions without Congressional approval.

    Call 1-833-STOP-WAR now to demand Congress stop funding Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign in Yemen.

    This is an urgent moment. There is a big, bipartisan push in Congress to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led air war, but we need your help. Our partners at Avaaz, MoveOn, and Win Without War have been leading the fight, along with Senator Bernie Sanders, Senators Mike Lee (R-UT), and Chris Murphy (D-CT), and progressive Rep. Ro Khanna.

    Call 1-833-STOP-WAR now to demand Congress stop funding Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign in Yemen.

    This is our chance to end the reckless and inhumane wars in the Middle East. Our constitution requires Congressional authorization to wage a war, but Trump never got authorization for the war in Yemen. It’s time for Congress to act as a check against the Trump administration’s irresponsible militarism.

    Thanks for everything you do!

    In solidarity,

    The Team at Our Revolution


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