Dutch extreme right death threat

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Decapitated doll found at Amsterdam mosque

A decapitated doll was laid down at a mosque in Amsterdam last night. The head of the doll was hanged and a note was written on the doll, saying that “Islamization must stop“.

According to the police, the doll was deposited between 23.00 and 08.00 tonight. “The doll was confiscated and is examined extensively on traces”, says a spokesperson. The police are also looking at camera images and are busy with a neighbourhood survey.

On Twitter, the action is claimed by a group that calls itself Right-wing Resistance. The police say they will also investigate the tweet and the sender.

Jewish and Dutch solidarity with this mosque: here.

2 thoughts on “Dutch extreme right death threat

  1. Pingback: Anti-racist demonstration, Amsterdam 18 March | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Islamophobic death threats against French sports shops workers | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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