Young griffon vulture grows up

This 31 May 2017 from Artis zoo in Amsterdam, the Netherlands says about itself (translated):

In the vulture aviary an egg has been brooded by a vulture couple. These two vultures came together with three other griffon vultures in 2010 from a Spanish animal shelter to ARTIS. Because griffon vultures are scavengers and legislation often prohibits leaving dead animals in the wild, they regularly eat roadkill, traffic casualties, at the risk of being victims of an accident. They also often collide with power lines.

Because of their injuries, the two animals could no longer be freed into the wild: they were no longer able to fly. Therefore, a good place for them had to be found. In ARTIS, the couple has recovered remarkably and has learned to fly again. It’s the first time that the traffic victims have a chick. The birth of the chick is good news for the European Stud Book of the griffon vulture, in which ARTIS participates. ARTIS is investigating the possibility of freeing the two chicks into the wild.

This video is about the heterosexual injured couple, originally from Spain. At the same time in the same Artis vulture compound, a same-sex male ‘gay’ griffon vulture couple is raising a youngster as well.