British Blairite Labour leader candidate Smith defeated, satiric song

This 24 September 2016 parody music video from Britain is called The Owen Smiths – “I Know It’s Over“.

It is about Blairite candidate for Labour leader Owen Smith‘s defeat by Jeremy Corbyn.

The song is a parody of the song by The Smiths: “I Know It’s Over“.

The lyrics are:

Oh boyo, I can feel the soil falling over my head
And now my leadership hopes are dead
Oh well, ‘nuff said

I know it’s over, still I sing
I don’t know where else I can go, boyo

Oh boyo, I can feel the soil falling over my head
Jeremy said he would let me back into the shadow cabinet
But I must ride off into the sunset
Don’t cry for me, please be happy
My tears will drench the back benches
Loud, loutish members of Momentum
They love Jeremy more than they love me

I know it’s over, still I sing
I don’t know where else I can go
It’s over, it’s over, it’s over
I know it’s over and it never really begun
But in my heart it was so real
And if I could speak to myself I’d say:

If you’re so radical, then why are you on your own tonight?
If you’re such a socialist, then why are you on your own tonight?
If you’re so very electable, then why are you on your own tonight?
And if you’re so very fit for purpose, then why are you on your own tonight?

JEREMY CORBYN’S emphatic victory yesterday will fill his many supporters with joy. With 61.8 per cent of the vote, Corbyn has received an even larger mandate to lead the biggest party in British politics than he did this time last year. This is remarkable. Because since the Islington North MP, veteran campaigner for peace, social justice and equality and long-term Morning Star weekly columnist was first elected to lead the Labour Party a year ago, he has been under constant attack: here.

Corbyn’s victory was achieved in the teeth of a coup attempt led by the party’s Blairite wing, supported by the vast majority of the party’s MPs and backed by every one of Britain’s TV channels and major newspapers, including Britain’s state broadcaster the BBC, and the nominally liberal Guardian: here.

3 thoughts on “British Blairite Labour leader candidate Smith defeated, satiric song

  1. By British poet Attila the Stockbroker:

    Saturday 24th September 2016

    posted by Morning Star in Features

    JUST finished the Keep Corbyn tour, alongside an absolutely lovely bunch of comedians, poets, musicians and trade union leaders. There are too many to mention here, although I will give a special shout out to the inspirational Francesca Martinez, who not only did a brilliant performance each night but, along with the indefatigable Crispin Flintoff, helped organise it all.

    In the last two two weeks alone we have played Cardiff, Manchester, Brighton, Newcastle and Doncaster, all on difficult nights of the week — the only ones on which venues big enough were available at such short notice after the leadership election was called.

    Hundreds, and in Brighton’s case over a thousand, people have turned up on Mondays and Tuesdays to support Jeremy and have a bloody good time with us.

    And what sort of people are they? The slavering, glue-sniffing Trots of mainstream media legend? No. Ordinary people of all ages and backgrounds, inspired by a new way of doing politics which isn’t just suits and spin.

    The energy in the air has been palpable and the party has over 600,000 members now. Reborn Labour is a social movement of which the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) is just a part.

    By the time you read this Jeremy will surely have been re-elected as our leader and now, at this time of incredible change, it is time to unite, reach out and make the biggest change of all, the one which strikes to the heart of our unjust and ludicrous electoral system. It’s time not just to break the mould of British politics but to smash it into tiny pieces.

    It’s time for a progressive alliance. Greens want power too and all evidence shows that the majority of Liberal Democrats and supporters were thoroughly nauseated by their leadership’s decision to join a Tory coalition and would, I am sure, relish the opportunity to prove that their party is not just a traitorous bunch of lying collaborators.

    Caroline Lucas and Tim Farron are making some of the right noises already and the excellent Clive Lewis MP has been doing the same on the Labour side.

    I can’t see how any sitting Labour or Liberal Democrat MPs could logically argue against an agreement which would see just one candidate — from whichever party had the best chance of success, based on electoral history — standing against the Tories in each constituency.

    If they did, they’d be doing so against their own career interests and MPs aren’t famous for that.

    Of course there are serious discussions to be had. The Greens would need clear runs too and Scotland and Wales would need serious thought, although given the huge left-wing majority in the former, it’s maybe not such a pressing issue there.

    The electoral system helps the right against a divided left and soon the boundary changes will too. If we are serious about power — as we must be, every single one of us who hates what the Tories are doing to this country — then a progressive alliance must be the first item on the agenda for a Corbyn-led Labour Party.

    Tribalism, spin, same old, same old boring politics must be consigned to the dustbin of history. I can promise you I shall be shouting this from the rooftops from now on.

    But, in the very short term, I’ll see you on Saturday at the — suspended — Brighton & Hove Labour Party social at the Palmeira pub in Hove, on Sunday at Something Else in the Dean Festival and on Monday at the Labour Conference JC4PM gig in Liverpool. What a year…,-a-progressive-alliance-should-be-on-the-agenda#.V-fKlcmXEdU


  2. Pingback: Trump elected, British reactions | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: British Blairite Owen Smith’s fat cat money | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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