Rollers and Montagu’s harriers, Extremadura, Spain

This June 2013 video was made during an excursion from Finca Las Abubillas to the steppe areas of Extremadura in Spain. It shows a roller and a little owl.

On 17 April 2016, after we saw great bustards earlier, we were still in the steppe area of Extremadura.

Three tawny pipits walking on the dirt road.

White storks, 17 April 2016

Two white storks fly past.

We arrive at the Magasca river. According to a sign, Iberochondrostoma lemmingii and Iberian barbel fish swim there.

We don’t see them. But we do see Spanish pond turtles resting on rocks along the bank.

A nightingale sings.

A booted eagle flies past.

A chaffinch sings.

A grey wagtail on the river bank.

A crag martin flying.

We continue.

Stonechat male and female on a bush.

This video from Spain says about itself:

27 April 2013

Rollers are fantastic members of the avifauna of Extremadura. This pair are at their nest box, put up specifically for them. A beautiful bird.

We arrive at an area where Spanish bird lovers have put nest boxes for rollers on electricity poles. Other bird species, like spotless starlings, lesser kestrels, common kestrels and jackdaws also use these nest boxes.

Roller, 17 April 2016

A roller sitting near a nestbox.

A red kite flying.

Great bustards on the other side of the road.

Rollers, 17 April 2016

Also rollers on that side, sitting on rocks.

Roller, Extremadura, 17 April 2016

Another roller next to its nestbox.

A lesser kestrel couple at another nestbox.

Montagu's harrier male, 17 April 2016

As we continue, a male Montagu’s harrier flying.

Montagu's harrier male, on 17 April 2016

Montagu's harrier female, 17 April 2016

And a female as well.

A zitting cisticola flies while singing.

Stone-curlew sound.

A black kite flies.

Montagu's harrier males, 17 April 2016

A male and a female Montagu’s harrier flying together. Another male shows up. So does a female marsh harrier.

A southern grey shrike on a bush.

This video is about Extremadura in April 2012; showing great bustard and other birds.

6 thoughts on “Rollers and Montagu’s harriers, Extremadura, Spain

  1. Pingback: Stonechat, lark and beetle in Extremadura, Spain | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Roller in Spain, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Tawny pipit in Spain, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Tawny pipit video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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