United States drones kill Afghan civilians

This video from the USA says about itself:

U.S. Drone Strike Kills 17 Civilians, Including First Responders In Afghanistan

11 April 2016

American airstrikes in the southeastern Afghan province of Paktika killed at least 17 civilians, local officials and elders said on Thursday, differing from official American and Afghan claims that only militants had been killed…

Read more here and here and here.

Afghan Civilians Among 18 Killed In U.S. Strike On ISIS, Police Say: here.

USA: Could the outage of this classified computer system be behind a series of disastrous drone strikes?

Since its inception, the United States’ targeted killing program has been shrouded in secrecy. For years, the ACLU has sought basic facts about the way the program operates, as well as its legal and policy justifications, through multiple Freedom of Information Act lawsuits. Today, we’re back in front of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York for the third time in three years, again asking for records that will yield a more complete public picture of the government’s law and policy governing the program: here.

37 thoughts on “United States drones kill Afghan civilians

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  28. AFGHANISTAN: Eleven people, including six civilians, were killed today in an overnight US drone attack in Nuristan province.

    Provincial governor Hafiz Abdul Qayum said that six civilians and five Taliban insurgents were killed in the attack in Waygal district.

    He said that villagers and Taliban fighters were visiting an insurgent wounded in an earlier attack when the house was targeted by the drone.



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